Backup and Restore

Backup and Restore

This page aims to explain how the Automated installer backs up, and how to perform a restore if needed.




Oracle database backups are done using dpdmp. They can be restored with impdmp.

The installer creates a .dmp file for each schema, FF, FD, FD_ADMIN. The FD_ADMIN schema doesn’t hold any data, so only the FF and FD schemas need to be imported.

The files are stored in DATA_PUMP_DIR on the sql server, unless a different database directory was specified in the config file.



The files are stored in BACKUP_DATABASE_DIRECTORY on the FlexDeploy server if BACKUP_DATABASE_DIRECTORY was specified.

pg_dump is used to export the data.

To restore, pg_restore should be used. Specify the host, port, schema, username, and password for each file. FF, and FD should both be imported.



If BACKUP_DATABASE_DIRECTORY is not specified, the schemas are cloned inside of the FlexDeploy database as a separate schema.

The backup schema names are like FD_5_7_0_12. Drop the FD Schema, and rename the FD_5_7_0_12 schema to FD. Do this for FD and FF.



The tomcat folder is backed up to FlexDeployHome/upgrade/upgrade_backups/pre_#.#.#.#/tomcat/apache-tomcat-flexdeploy.

You can copy this folder (or move it) to FlexDeploy Home to restore it. Additionally, you can copy certain files out of it if you missed something before upgrading and aren’t restoring back to the old version fully, just restoring your sso.config file for instance.


Artifacts are backed up to FlexDeployHome/upgrade/upgrade_backups/pre_#.#.#.#/artifacts.

You can restore this if needed when you restore, but other than potentially deleting any new folders and files that were created with the new version, there probably wouldn’t be a need to do that.


Plugins are backed up to FlexDeployHome/upgrade/upgrade_backups/pre_#.#.#.#/plugins.

You can restore this if needed when you restore. Potentially an older plugin version could be in the database and the file could have been removed by the upgrade that you rolled back.

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