Restoring a backup
This page provides instructions for restore of FlexDeploy from previous backup, perhaps to undo an upgrade.
If you are using automated installer, then backups for folders and files is located at $FLEXDEPLOY_HOME/upgrade/upgrade_backups/<MMDDYYYY>/. There would be tomcat, artifacts, plugins sub-folders here.
Step 1. Stop the FlexDeploy server. Use on Linux and StopFlexDeploy.bat on Windows. This will stop Tomcat and InfluxDB.
Step 2. Restore FlexDeploy schemas, Artifact Repository, Plugins directory and apache-tomcat-flexdeploy folder.
First drop schemas (sqlplus, SQL Developer, or other database tools) and then import from backup.
Drop Schemas
drop user fd cascade;
drop user ff cascade;
drop user fd_admin cascade;
Import data from backup directory (PostgreSQL) - If you used the automated installer and specified a backup directory, or you used pg_dump
if you used pg_dump (what the automated installer uses when you specify the backup directory in your config file)
pg_restore --host ${HOST} --port ${PORT} --schema FD --username postgres --verbose --format d --file ${PATH/TO/BACKUP}/FD flexdeploy
pg_restore --host ${HOST} --port ${PORT} --schema FF --username postgres --verbose --format d --file ${PATH/TO/BACKUP}/FF flexdeploy
pg_restore --host ${HOST} --port ${PORT} --schema FD_ADMIN --username postgres --verbose --format d --file ${PATH/TO/BACKUP}/FD_ADMIN flexdeploy
Import data from backup schema (PostgreSQL) - If you used the automated installed and omitted backup directory
sudo su - postgres
psql --host ${HOST} --port ${PORT} -d flexdeploy
alter schema FD_bak rename to FD
alter schema FF_bak rename to FF
alter schema FD_ADMIN_bak rename to FD_ADMIN
Import data (PostgreSQL) from pg_dumpall
Import data from backup (Oracle)
Restore Artifact Repository
Now restore artifact repository. The location of the artifact repository can be identified by looking at value of -Dflexagon.fd.repository.root in or setenvoverride.bat/setenv.bat file.
Restore Plugins Directory
Now restore plugins folder. The location of the plugins folder can be identified by looking at value of -Dflexagon.fd.install.root in or setenvoverride.bat/setenv.bat file. plugins folder is sub-folder for this install root (aka server working directory).
Restore apache-tomcat-flexdeploy Directory
Restore tomcat folder from backup.
Step 3 . Start FlexDeploy by running the following script
FLEXDEPLOY_HOME/apache-tomcat-flexdeploy/bin/ (StartFlexDeploy.bat on Windows)
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