FlexDeploy HTTPS Agent

FlexDeploy HTTPS Agent

The FlexDeploy HTTPS agent is an alternative way of connecting to an endpoint. It connects over HTTPS, thus not requiring SSH to be exposed. This may be the preferred approach for Zero Trust Architectures.

Starting and stopping the agent

The scripts located inside the agent installation directory are used for starting and stopping the agent.



cd $HTTPS_AGENT_HOME ./StartFlexDeployHttpsAgent.sh


cd %HTTPS_AGENT_HOME% StartFlexDeployHttpsAgent.bat



cd $HTTPS_AGENT_HOME ./StopFlexDeployHttpsAgent.sh



Run the following command to confirm if the agent is running, as well as see launch arguments.


Viewing Logs

View the logs by going to HTTPS_AGENT_HOME/apache-tomcat-flexdeploy-https-agent/logs

Agent logs will be in the same pattern as FlexDeploy logs, flexdeploy.<number>.log with 0 being the most current log.

Catalina logs as well as garbage collection logs will also be located here.

Changing log level

To change the log level adjust the HTTPS_AGENT_HOME/apache-tomcat-flexdeploy-https-agent/conf/logging.properties file. Change the following lines to the desired log level.

Then restart the agent for it to take effect.

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