deployWebCatalog (OAC)
Deploys any combination of WebCatalog objects to the target OAC environment.
@Since, it can also Deploy the RPD.
Objects will be deployed at the same path they were built from, e.g. if a report was built from /shared/Custom/Sample Lite/Reports, it will also be deployed to the same location on the target server.
Endpoint Tip
This operation uses HTTP operations to communicate remotely to the OAC server, and therefore, can be executed on any endpoint (including LOCALHOST).
Deploy operation now supports deleting WebCatalog items. To delete an item, in the Package Files tab, click the Action menu or Right click and toggle Delete option.
Note: Delete is not supported for Folder type items.
Target Properties
Property Name | Property Code | Required | Description |
OAC Account |
| Yes | The OAC account includes essential properties such as the URL, Username, Password, and OAuth details for the OAC instance. Cloud account credentials are required for downloading or uploading catalog items. You can manage the OAC account via the Integrations > Cloud page. In FlexDeploy versions or earlier, three separate properties (FDOAC_SERVER_HOST, FDOAC_USER, FDOAC_PASSWORD) were used instead of the OAC account. If you are upgrading from FlexDeploy or earlier, the OAC cloud account will be automatically created from the target properties (URL, Username, Password). A separate cloud account will be created for each target. See Configuring OAC Cloud Account for additional details. |
Discover Thread Count |
| No | Number of threads to use when discovering files for the File Catalog from the OAC server. Defaults to 3. |
OAC RPD Name |
| For RPD Migration | The RPD will be exported with this filename. |
OAC RPD Password |
| For RPD Migration | The RPD password on the OAC server in the current environment. |
OAC Source RPD Password |
| No | If the RPD password is different in the source environment, enter the source RPD password. For instance, perrhaps the dev one is entered here in the prod environment. |
Oracle BI Service Instance Name |
| For RPD Migration | The Oracle BI Service instance name.(e.g. bootstrap). |
OAC Trust Store |
| For RPD Migration | The OAC Trust Store. e.g. $JAVA_HOME/server/jre/lib/security/cacerts. Required to establish an SSL connection to the OAC server. |
OAC Trust Store Password |
| For RPD Migration | The OAC Trust Store Password. Required to establish an SSL connection to the OAC server. |
OAC Tools Directory |
| For RPD Migration | Download OAC tools to your endpoint. Reference the path here. e.g. C:\oracle\Oracle_Home\bi e.g. /u01/Oracle_Home/bi The folder you specify should contain /bitools/bin |
Project Properties
Property Name | Property Code | Required | Description |
OAC WebCat Object Path |
| No | The WebCatalog path to import the objects of the build artifact into. The property is shared with the build operation and must not be changed between build and deployment execution. Note: In case of package deployments, the import path is considered from the package file path. |
OAC Analytics WSDL Path |
| No | The path to the analytics WSDL. We don’t recommend changing this option unless the OAC instance you are using has a different path to the analytics WSDL. Use at your own risk. Default value - /analytics-ws/saw.dll/wsdl/v12 |
Backup files prior to deploy |
| No | Indicates whether a backup of the files should be performed prior to deploying the files. For more information on the backups repository see: FlexDeploy Backups Repository |
Input Name | Input Code | Required | Description |
Copy Object Permissions |
| Yes | Upload object with exported permissions. If false, parent folder permissions in deploy environment will be used. |
Overwrite Object |
| Yes | If object already exists in deployment environment, should it be overwritten with this one. |
Deploy Objects In Async Mode |
| Yes | When Default Value: true |
Async API Timeout |
| Yes | The maximum number of seconds to wait for unarchive process. Defaults to 1200 seconds (20 minutes). (Integer) Note: This option is only considered when the |
Update Last Modified |
| No | If checked, last modified will be updated to current time on web catalog item. If Keep Timestamps is checked on build then it may make sense to not check this. (Boolean) |
OAC RPD Connection Replacement JSON |
| No | After deployment, the connection pools can be updated by a json file at this location. Property replacement is performed on the file. You can use the ExportConnectionPoolsJSON operation to get the json from the environment. |
OAC RPD Connection Replacement XUDML |
| No | Before deployment, you can run a xudml patch operation on the RPD. |
This operation consumes the artifacts produced from the buildWebCatalog operation.
Endpoint Selection
This operation delegates endpoint selection to the workflow developer. The workflow editor will default the selection to "All", which selects all available endpoints associated to the target. Selecting a specific resource will result in selection of endpoints associated to the target which have that resource defined.
Endpoint Execution
This operation delegates endpoint execution to the workflow developer. The workflow editor will default to "Any", which will execute on any one of the selected endpoints, which will be randomly picked from selected endpoints or a specific endpoint where previous step may have executed. Changing this value to "All" to will result in execution on all selected endpoints.
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