Using SSH protocol with Bitbucket
You can either utilize SSH Key type credentials, or manually configure the connection on the FlexDeploy Server and any Endpoints where Git commands will be executed. For easy configuration it is recommended to use SSH Key credentials.
SSH Key Credentials
FlexDeploy has built in support for SSH Key credentials. After creating an SSH Key credential with the Property scope, you can select the credential for the GIT Private Key property for the GIT Integration Instance. Note that the GIT URL property will have to start with ssh://
or git@
in order for the input to appear. For more information about creating an SSH Key credential, see Credential Type - SSH Key.
Manual Configuration
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Following steps must be done for FlexDeploy Server and Endpoint where Git commands will be executed.
Locate or generate default SSH keys. If no key found generate using "ssh-keygen" command, if you accept defaults id_rsa and files will be generated in ~/.ssh folder.
Add SSH public key to Bitbucket account. You must use for this purpose. Note that Access keys only provide read-only access, so if you need read/write access, then load public keys in SSH Keys section.
Test SSH connection.
Configure SCM Integration instance.
URL Example -
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