Configuring a Boomi Cloud Account

Configuring a Boomi Cloud Account

All plugin operations require the FDBOOMI_CLOUD_ACCOUNT_CODE target property to be set. See Configuring Cloud Accounts for more info. The following properties are required for the Dell Boomi Cloud Account.

Property Name

Property Code



Property Name

Property Code



Boomi AtomSphere API URL



Base URL of the AtomSphere API

Defaults to https://api.boomi.com/api/rest/v1

Dell Boomi Account ID



ID of the Dell Boomi Account

Dell Boomi Account User



Username for the registered Dell Boomi account

Dell Boomi Account Password


Yes (If no Token is given)

Password for the registered Dell Boomi account. Token will be used instead if provided.

Dell Boomi Account Token


Yes (If no Password is given)

Token for the registered Dell Boomi account. This will be used instead of password if provided.

To obtain the required properties for setting up the cloud account, navigate to account settings page in the AtomSphere platform website. The steps to obtain each property are listed below:

  • FDBOOMI_ATOMSPHERE_API_URL: The AtomSphere API URL almost always remains unchanged.

  • FDBOOMI_ACCOUNT_ID: Go to Account Information section where you can obtain the Account ID.


          The Account ID can also be obtained by copying the value of the accountId field in the url  when logged in.



    • The FDBOOMI_USERNAME and FDBOOMI_PASSWORD are the username and password used to log into the Boomi account.

  • FDBOOMI_TOKEN navigate to the AtomSphere API Tokens section in the account settings page and generate a new token by following the instructions shown in the page.


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