Create the Azure Start/Stop/Restart VM Project

Create the Azure Start/Stop/Restart VM Project

The assumption is that you have FlexDeploy installed and ready for use. When logged into the FlexDeploy, you will see the Home page. Click on the + icon on the top and click “Create Project” to create a new project.

The screen displays the list of blueprints supported by the FlexDeploy. Select a Blank project from the list or you can search for the blueprint in the search filter present in the top.

General Configuration

Scroll through this guide to fill in the project information.

Project Info

Property Name


Value for this tutorial


Property Name


Value for this tutorial


Project Name


Azure Start VM

The name of the project.



FlexDeploy / AzureVM

This is the Folder path where the project resides.




Brief description of the project.

Project Classification



The classification of the project.

Project configuration

We can see the Folder hierarchy on the top of the project and the project configuration as below

Configure the Utility workflow that has been created in previous steps as shown below.

Project Properties

  1. To configure Project specific settings one can navigate to the Project Configuration tab as shown above.

  2. Next, select the PROPERTIES option from the left-hand pane.

  3. To start the virtual machine using Virtual Name given as Input/ Property, the first mandatory property is the Resource Group Name. These need to be configured under Project properties.

Note: If Virtual Machine name is given as Property / Input, then the resource group name must be updated in the Project Properties section. If Virtual Machine Resource Id(s) are given either Input / Property, then resource group name is not required.

There could also be scenarios where someone generates the Virtual Machine Resource Id(s) using query so we provided both the Virtual Machine Name and the Virtual Machine Resource Id(s) as Input / Project Property.

Utility Execution

Navigate to Execution tab and click on Execute to submit the utility request form.

The Utility Request Form will appear and we need to:

  1. select the environment we want to execute the application in.

  2. submit the request, this will initiate the Azure Start VM workflow.

Upon submission, the utility workflow is initiated and the workflow steps are executed on the AzureVM target group in the DEV environment, utilizing the Localhost endpoint. Upon completion of the workflow, the execution status will be successful.

Navigate to steps tab in order to view the workflow steps. Click on the link to view the plugin logs.

Successfully, configured the project and executed the Azure Start VM. It is extremely easy to replicate the same steps to Create the Azure Stop/Restart VM Project using Blank Project.


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