Installation - Docker Image (for trials)
You must have Docker Engine installed. See for information on how to do that.
If running Docker Desktop, please adjust your memory configuration so that 4 gb will be available to the container running the fd_tcat_postgres image.
Start command session to the Docker host and make sure you can run docker commands. If necessary, sudo to root or other user.
Here are main steps for this type of docker image.
Pull docker image
Start container using specific image.
Step 1 - Pull Docker Image
First let's pull docker image flexdeploy/fd_tcat_postgres.
docker pull flexdeploy/fd_tcat_postgres
Step 2 - Run Docker Container
Now let's run the FlexDeploy docker image.
This image contains PostgreSQL DB and FlexDeploy with Tomcat, i.e. data and artifact repository is all part of the container. Data is persistent in the container.
Run command example below uses port number 8000 for access to FlexDeploy application, which maps to 8080 port inside docker container. PostgreSQL is included as part of this image and it's port 5432 is also accessible on docker host. Adjust port numbers, Timezone as appropriate for your docker host. Since this is just for a demo or POC we are going to just use the latest version. If you’d like you can specify with something like this for the image name: flexdeploy/fd_tcat_postgres:
docker run --name flexdeploy -p 5432:5432 -p 8000:8080 -e TZ=$(date +%Z) -e MAX_ACTIVE_CONNECTIONS=100 -e MAX_IDLE_CONNECTIONS=100 -e MAX_WAIT_TIME_MILLIS=30000 flexdeploy/fd_tcat_postgres
docker run --name flexdeploy -p 5432:5432 -p 8000:8080 -e TZ=America/Chicago -e MAX_ACTIVE_CONNECTIONS=100 -e MAX_IDLE_CONNECTIONS=100 -e MAX_WAIT_TIME_MILLIS=30000 flexdeploy/fd_tcat_postgres
Optionally, you can add a -d to run container in background and print container ID. The -a option can also be added to view logs.
After some time, you can close command session that started FlexDeploy docker container. If you use Ctrl + C, then container will exit, just close session window.
Now you can launch FlexDeploy using http://<docker host>:8000/flexdeploy.
If necessary, make sure to open port 8000 for access from outside docker host.
As always when you first launch FlexDeploy, you will need to complete Registration process.
Once you complete registration, you are ready to use FlexDeploy.
Now that you have installed FlexDeploy, let's get start with configuration. You can do this in matter of minutes using the Blueprints concept, which is very simple configuration wizard for most common use cases.
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