Adding certificate to Java Keystore

Adding certificate to Java Keystore

In case of SSL certificate errors, you may have to load certificate files in Java keystore.

Download the Certificate

Launch the Service or Application URL in browser and downloaded certificate .cer file, receive it from your infrastructure team, or generate a new certificate on the target system.

Install the Certificate

either into cacerts

You can load it directly into your java cacerts, but this will be removed when Java is upgraded. The next session shows that approach, which is the easiest to use, but may not be the best option for your situation.

  1. First figure out JDK used by FlexDeploy and/or Endpoint as applicable.

    1. For example, cd /u01/jdk1.8.0_372

  2. cd jre/lib/security/

  3. Copy .cer file in this folder.  

  4. cp cacerts cacerts.bak

  5. ../../bin/keytool -importcert -keystore cacerts -alias <alias name> -file <certificate file name>

  6. Type password (likely “changeit”)

Or into another keystore

See specifying another keystore

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