Appendix - Release Dashboard


Below are the common key terms used through the Release Dashboard UI and documentation





Release Content

Release Content is the logical grouping of Projects, Packages and Work Items that define a Release


A Snapshot is simply a build of all the Release Content. Similar to how Projects being built generate a unique Project Version, the same can be thought of for a Release and Snapshots.

This may be used somewhat interchangeably with Snapshot Content

Snapshot Versions

Since a Release consists of multiple Projects or Packages, when building a Snapshot each Project/Package gets built and versioned individually (Snapshot Version) and aggregated into a Snapshot.

You can think of a Snapshot being nothing more than a list of Snapshot Versions or Project Versions

Pipeline Execution

Once a Snapshot is built it then moves through the Pipeline configured on the Release. This is known as a Pipeline Execution.

Release Dashboard

Release Dashboard is nothing more than a tool for visualizing and managing Pipeline Executions.

Stage Actions







Abort Stage

Aborts the Stage and any currently running Gates or Steps in the Stage

Requires Manage Stage Execution permission. The Stage can only be aborted while in a running state (Gates Running, Gates Completed, Steps Running).

Replay Stage

Replay the Stage. Any previously executed Gates or Steps, successful or otherwise, will be replayed as well.

Requires Manage Stage Execution permission. The Stage can only be replayed while in a halted state (Aborted, Failed, Gates Failed, Rejected).

View Execution Variables

The Pipeline used by the Release is able to define runtime Variables to customize execution logic in real time. This button will open a view to visualize the current values of any such Pipeline Variables.

Any user with Read permission on the Release can view this information.

Upload Execution Info

Allows the viewing or modification of the Stage Execution Info.

Any user with Read permission on the Release can view the Stage Execution Info, but modifying requires the Upload Execution Info permission.

Step/Gate Actions







Approve Step/Gate

Approve the focused Step or Gate.

A Step or Gate that requires approval will generate a task in FlexDeploy which can be approved or rejected from the Tasks screen. This is simply a shortcut to approve the task directly from the dashboard.

Optional notes can be provided during approval to provide more context for audit purposes.

Approval Role - Only users in the FD Administrators group or the specified Role on the step can approve. The Manage Step Execution and Manage Gate Execution permissions are not involved here.


Open the Step or Gate details in a full-screen viewer.

Default keyboard shortcut is shift+f

Override Step/Gate

Override (i.e Skip) the current Gate or Step.

Similar to Approve/Reject, Override can only be used by FD Administrators and those configured on the Override Role in the Gate or Step.

Reject Step/Gate

Reject the Step or Gate.

See notes on Approve Step/Gate above

Replay Step/Gate

Replays the Step or Gate. The Step or Gate must be in a failed state (Aborted, Failed, Rejected).

Requires Manage Step/Gate Execution permission.

Skip Step/Gate

Skips the Step or Gate. Similar to replay the Step or Gate must be in a failed state.

Requires Manage Step/Gate Execution permission.

View Pipeline Step/Gate Definition

View the configuration for the Step/Gate defined on the Pipeline.


Stage Statuses








The Stage was aborted.

In most cases this is due to a user manually aborting the Stage. There are a select few background processes that may abort a Stage. For example when Force Completing a Release any running stages will be aborted.


The Stage has failed.

This is typically the result of a Step within the Stage failing.

Gates Completed


Gates have completed and Steps are waiting to process.

When a Stage is in this status it typically means there is another Pipeline Execution running Steps in the same Stage. Once the latter execution completes this Stage will move on to Running Steps.

See if you are concerned that a snapshot is staying in this status too long.

Gates Failed

One or more Gates within the Stage have failed.


Gates Running

The Stage is currently running Gates.

Note that any Gate waiting on some user interaction or external system still falls under this status. Waiting on user approval in an Approval Gate for example.

Not Started

The Stage has not begun to execute. This will only occur if a Stage prior to this one is still executing.


Out of Date

The Stage has been superseded and is now Out of Date.

See for more information.

At any given time there may multiple Pipeline Executions running for a Release. If at any point the latest Pipeline Execution proceeds to a later Stage than previous Pipeline Executions, they will be marked as Out of Date.


The Stage has been rejected by a user, most commonly via an Approval Gate.



The Stage has been skipped.

This can only occur via a Stage precondition in the Pipeline Definition or by providing the Skip Stages input during Snapshot creation.

Steps Running

The Stage is currently running Steps.



The Stage has been successfully completed.


Step/Gate Statuses








The Step or Gate was aborted.

Note that users cannot directly abort Steps or Gates but rather abort the Stage, which indirectly results in an Aborted Step or Gate.


The Step or Gate failed executing.

Perhaps the most broad status, Failed can occur in a number of ways:

  • Misconfiguration in the Pipeline Definition

  • Failed executions as part of a Step

  • A quality gate not meeting its successful criteria.

Pending Approval

The Gate is awaiting an approval

Both Approval Gate and External Approval Gate will be in this status while waiting for the Approval.

Pending Review

The Step is waiting for Review

Most commonly seen in the Predeploy and Predeploy All Steps


The Step has been Rejected by the User



The Step or Gate is currently running


Out of Date

The Gate is Out of Date. See for more information.

Due to the nature of Out of Date, it is only possible for Gates to be Out of Date.


The Step or Gate is currently scheduled



The Step or Gate has been skipped due to a precondition being false

Note that skipped is only displayed in the case of a precondition. A user manually skipping or overriding a Gate or Step will show a status of Success.


The Step or Gate has completed successfully.


Snapshot Statuses








The Snapshot was aborted.

Only available while the Snapshot is Pending (building). Note that builds may continue to run if they had already been started prior to abort being initiated.


The Snapshot has finished building but is not yet Initiated



The Snapshot has failed to build.

Most commonly this occurs if one of the Projects or Packages within the Snapshot failed during build.


The Snapshot has now completed building and is running through the Pipeline Execution



The Snapshot Versions are currently building


Snapshot Version Statuses








The Snapshot Version was aborted.

Typically this is due to the Snapshot itself being aborted but it is also possible an individual build was aborted from the Project Execution screen.


A new Snapshot Version has built successfully.

This only displays if the Snapshot Version built a new version, either through Force Build being checked or changes being detected.


A previous Snapshot Version was found and used.

This can occur if no changes were detected during build and a valid Project Version already exists that can be used.


The Snapshot Version has failed to build.

An error occurred while building this Snapshot Version


The Snapshot Version is waiting to be built

Unlike Running, this Snapshot Version is still waiting to be built, typically due to resource limitations.


The Snapshot Version is currently being built.


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