FlexDeploy HTTPS Agent - Additional Configuration
Properties Override File
Properties sent from FlexDeploy can be overridden by adding a FlexDeployPropertiesOverride.properties override file to the <Agent home>/config folder. There is an example file included with the installation.
@Since Https Agent The values in a properties file will now be encrypted.
The purpose of this file is to not have to store the passwords in FlexDeploy and have them passed over HTTPS. They are only locally on this endpoint.
This properties file uses Java properties file syntax. The key is the code for a Target a dot and then the name of the property. The value is the value that the property should be. See this example:
Now the EBS password for the EBS Target will be overridden.
This file is read in during each plugin execution, so no restart of the agent is required when updating the file.
An encrypted value will look something like this:
To change the value, simply overwrite the encrypted value. The next time a plugin is executed on the endpoint it will be encrypted automatically.
setenvoverride File
If a setenvoverride.sh (or setenvoverride.bat) file is included in the <Agent home>/config folder, it will be run before tomcat is started in order to configure some environment variables. The following variables are supported.
Variable | Description |
| The Java path where Tomcat will be run from. This is distinct from the Java path used in the endpoint configuration. The agent will attempt to derive this value from the system path, but sometimes that doesn’t work correctly. You can set it here to override that. |
| This will set the maximum memory size for the Tomcat server. Will be forwarded as the -Xmx java argument. If none is set defaults to 2048m. |
| This will be set the initial memory size for the Tomcat server. Will be forwarded as the -Xms java argument. If none is set defaults to 512m. |
| Any extra Java arguments. |
| This property is used to encrypt the properties file. However it is not recommended you set this environment variable here as it will be available in plaintext then. |
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