Custom Issue Tracking Systems

Custom Issue Tracking Systems

FlexDeploy has out-of-box integrations with Jira, Redmine, Azure Boards, GitLab, and GitHub. You can easily integrate with other issue tracking systems as well. Such third-party Issue Tracking System integrations can be enabled using Java or Groovy implementation. Several ITS templates are shipped with FlexDeploy, but you can create more to connect to other systems that aren’t supported with a vanilla install.

Go to Issue Tracking Systems page using Administration Integrations Issue Tracking menu.

Let's look at more details on how to create a custom issue tracking system integration with Flex Deploy. Click Create to implement an integration with custom issue tracking system.

  • Provide a unique name and description

  • Define properties for the new issue tracking system. Properties are configuration values used by FlexDeploy to connect to the new system. The values of the properties that you define here are set on Issue Tracking Instances, folders, and projects.

    • If you define properties, you can indicate display and validation details. You can also indicate if a property is required and/or encrypted.

    • Enter a unique Name before adding any properties

  • Provide either Java Implementation or Groovy API.

  • Click Save.

Let's define an example issue tracking system in FlexDeploy. You can provide the implementation as a Java class or just a Groovy script. A Groovy script would allow for dynamic update, whereas use of Java code will require restart of server.

Here we are creating a custom issue tracking system with properties. You can add more as necessary.

API Implementation

Implementation must implement the following API operations to integrate with FlexDeploy.

Method Name


Return Type


Method Name


Return Type



Ticket pTicket


This method should call the issue Tracking System using the ticket number (pTicket.getNumber()) and set the Description and Type


Ticket pTicket


This method should construct the URL to access the ticket, which is used to link from FlexDeploy. (Ex. http://<hostname>:<port>/redmine/issues/<issuenumber>.json)


Ticket pTicket,

String pComment


Adding pComment to the ticket. The ticket number (pTicket.getNumber()) from Ticket object should be used to get the Ticket and add the comment.


Ticket pTicket,

String pStatus


Change the status of the ticket to pStatus. The ticket number (pTicket.getNumber()) from Ticket object should be used to get the Ticket and change the status. The status passed into the function is the status id.


Ticket pTicket


Get the current status of the ticket. The ticket number (pTicket.getNumber()) from Ticket object should be used to get the Ticket status.



This should invoke any status or heath check URL of the issue tracking system to ensure the system is up and running and FlexDeploy can connect with the provided credentials


String pProjectName,

List<String> pMessagesToParse,

List<String> pTicketPatternList


pProjectName - name of the project for which the Issue tracking system is configured

pMessageToParse - list of string from the SCM commit logs

pTicketPatternList  - pattern configured in the project or for the issues tracking system.

Add a custom rule by project to parse the message log string using single or multiple patterns. You can also use a different pattern list. Should return a unique list of ticket numbers

Java Implementation

Here are the high level steps for a Java implementation. You can use any IDE to prepare this implementation. 

  • Create java class that extends flexagon.fd.model.integration.its.api.IssueTrackingSystem. Example shown below has testConnection method implemented which uses properties map to retrieve the configuration values to connect to the issue tracking system.

  • All properties defined are available in Map returned by getProperties method.

Example class RedmineServiceIntegration.java