Creating/Editing a Container Account and Provider
Select the Containers tab for managing the Container account providers and accounts.
Managing Accounts and Providers
Refer to Creating/Editing an Account and Provider page for more details for managing accounts and providers
Out-of-the-box Providers
DockerAPI, DockerRegistry and Kubernates are the FlexDeploy out-of-the-box providers with the default properties.
Default Provider Properties
Out-of-box account provider property key definitions cannot be modified and will always be read-only.
Provider | Property | Type | Description |
DockerAPI | Docker API Base Url | String | Base Url for Docker API. For example http://localhost:2375. For connecting via ssl see ##here:Docker+SSL+Support##. |
Docker API Client Cert Path | String | FlexDeploy server filepath to X509 Client certificate file. Only used for connecting via SSL. | |
Docker API Client Key Path | String | FlexDeploy server filepath to PKCS8 Client Key DER file. Only used for connecting via SSL. | |
Docker API CA Cert Path | String | FlexDeploy server filepath to X509 CA certificate file. Only used for connecting via SSL. | |
DockerRegistry | Docker Registry Address | String | Address for the Docker Registry. Leave blank to push to |
Docker Registry User | String | User to authenticate to Docker Registry | |
Docker Registry Token/Password | String | Token or password to authenticate to Docker Registry | |
KubernatesAPI | Kubectl API Url | String | API Url for kubectl proxy |
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