Creating/Editing a Container Account and Provider

Creating/Editing a Container Account and Provider

Select the Containers tab for managing the Container account providers and accounts.  

Managing Accounts and Providers

Refer to Creating/Editing an Account and Provider page for more details for managing accounts and providers

Out-of-the-box Providers

DockerAPI, DockerRegistry and Kubernates are the FlexDeploy out-of-the-box providers with the default properties.

Default Provider Properties

Out-of-box account provider property key definition cannot be modified and will always be read-only. 

DockerAPIDocker API Base UrlStringBase Url for Docker API. For example http://localhost:2375. For connecting via ssl see ##here:Docker+SSL+Support##.
Docker API Client Cert PathStringFlexDeploy server filepath to X509 Client certificate file. Only used for connecting via SSL.
Docker API Client Key PathStringFlexDeploy server filepath to PKCS8 Client Key DER file. Only used for connecting via SSL.
Docker API CA Cert PathStringFlexDeploy server filepath to X509 CA certificate file. Only used for connecting via SSL.
DockerRegistryDocker Registry AddressStringAddress for the Docker Registry. Leave blank to push to docker.io
Docker Registry UserStringUser to authenticate to Docker Registry
Docker Registry Token/PasswordStringToken or password to authenticate to Docker Registry
KubernatesAPIKubectl API UrlStringAPI Url for kubectl proxy

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