Project Insights

Project Insights

The Project Insights are different avenues of useful data about a particular project. There are four primary insights you can see with this tab: Deployments, Tests, Code Scans, and Commits.


The data found under the insights tab is specific to the project it is under. The project insights can be viewed by clicking the Insights tab here.


The first screen on the insights tab is the Deployments tab. Here you can see a few different representations of Deployment data spread amongst different graphs and boxes. At the top of the screen there are buttons to filter the screen on a chosen interval or by certain statuses of deployments. All of the insight screens have the interval filter on them, but only this screen has a status filter.

Multiple Statuses can be selected at a time to see specific deployments. If no filter is necessary, all deployments will be shown with either all status filters selected or with no status filters selected.

Deployment Data

There are three different graphs, All Deployments, By Environment, and By Target Group. All Deployments will total all of the deployments under a given filter and displays the data in a bar graph. By Environment and By Target Group both give a line representation of deployments separated out by all of the different Environments or Target Groups respectively.


The tests page gives an insight into the overall passed and failed tests run on a project. Data about the total number of tests and frequency of passing tests are displayed at the top of the page. Below that is a graph of the passed and failed test over a user-decided interval. Tests that frequently fail are listed under the graph.

Code Scans

The Code Scans page gives an insight into the overall results of scans run on a project by scanning services. Data about the total number of vulnerabilities as well as the resolved vulnerabilities are displayed at the top of the page. Below that is a graph with results from recent scans over the interval given by user. Below that are vulnerabilities that are pending as well as recently resolved vulnerabilities.


The Commits page gives an insight into the the commits made on the project. Data about the total number of commits as well as the commits per day are displayed at the top of the page. Below that is a graph displaying the average lead time of commits over the course of the interval given by user. A commits lead time is how long it takes for the commit to get deployed to a specific environment. Below that is a representation of volume of commits by each user in relation to all the other users' commits and a a list of recent commits.


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