Environment API v2

Environment API v2

Environments can be accessed and modified through this API using four services: GET, POST, PUT, and PATCH. These four services allow for the retrieval, creation, complete update, and partial update of environments.

This PATCH service will update an existing environment with the information passed through a JSON object. If an attribute of the JSON is null it will not be updated in the environment.

Terminology Change

Version 2 of the Topology APIs rename Instance to Target Group, and Environment Instance to Target.  The topology screens still refer to the old terminology, but will be updated in a future release as part of the new user experience.

Authentication - Use Basic Authentication for this API.


There are two implementations of GET. One will find an environment with the given Id and return the JSON representation of the environment. The other will find a list of environments matching the parameters supplied to it.


This GET service will find an environment with the given Id and return the JSON representation of the object. 




URLYesThis is a URL parameter for the Id which is used to find and return an environment


descriptionStringThis is a description of the environment
targetsList<Target>This is a list of the targetGroups associated with the environment
isActiveBooleanThis is a boolean that tracks whether or not the environment is active
environmentCodeStringThis is the unique code of the environment
sortNumberIntegerThis is a number associated with the environment that sets the environments priority in a list of other environments
environmentIdLongThis is the unique Id of the environment
isBuildEnvironmentBooleanThis is a boolean that tracks whether or not the environment is a build environment
environmentNameStringThis is the unique name of the environment

Each target in the list of targets contains these attributes.

targetIdLongThis is the unique Id of the environment
targetGroupIdLongThis is a foreign key to the parent targetGroup
environmentIdLongThis is a foreign key to the parent environment
isActiveBooleanThis is a boolean that tracks weather or not the target is active

Response Codes

200Environment was found and returned
400Bad request
401Authentication failure
403Authorization failure (no access to resource)
404Environment not found
500Unexpected internal server error


If we had an environment in our database with an Id of 11101 and had the following attributes

Environment - 11101
   "description": "This is Environment 1" 
   "targets": [],
   "isActive": true,
   "environmentCode": "ENV1",
   "sortNumber": 1,
   "environmentId": 11101,
   "isBuildEnvironment": true,
   "environmentName": "Env 1"
When we run a GET request at the following URL


The GET request would return the following JSON environment object

Environment GET Return JSON
   "description": "This is Environment 1",
   "targets": [],
   "isActive": true,
   "environmentCode": "ENV1",
   "sortNumber": 1,
   "environmentId": 11101,
   "isBuildEnvironment": true,
   "environmentName": "Env 1"

GET (Using Query Parameters)

This GET service will return a list of environments in the form of JSON objects based on the query parameters code and name. Environments are only returned if they match all of the specified query parameters. The name query parameter searches if any environment contains the value given in there name while all other query parameters check if any environment has attributes that are equal to the parameter value. If no query parameters are given this request will return the entire list of environments. 



Append the following character sequences to the above URL to specify Query parameters.
Use '&' between successive query parameters: 







To search by code only:


To search by name only:


To search by code and name:


The query parameters are not case sensitive. Searching by environmentName=NAME is the same as searching by environmentName=name.


environmentIdQuery - LongNo

This is a URL query parameter for id which is used to search the environments.

Equals search


Query - StringNo

This is a URL query parameter for the code which is used to search the environments.

Equals ignore case search

environmentNameQuery - StringNo

This is a URL query parameter for the name which is used to search the environments. The environment name parameter checks if any environment name contains the value given. 

Contains ignore case search

isActiveQuery - BooleanNo

This is a URL query parameter for is active which is used to search the environments.

Equals search

isBuildEnvironmentQuery - BooleanNo

This is a URL query parameter for is build environment which is used to search the environments.

Equals search

sortNumberQuery - IntegerNo

This is a URL query parameter for the sort number which is used to search the environments.

Equals search


descriptionStringThis is a description of the environment
targetsList<Target>This is a list of the targetGroups associated with the environment
isActiveBooleanThis is a boolean that tracks whether or not the environment is active
environmentCodeStringThis is the unique code of the environment
sortNumberIntegerThis is a number associated with the environment that sets the environments priority in a list of other environments
environmentIdLongThis is the unique Id of the environment
isBuildEnvironmentBooleanThis is a boolean that tracks whether or not the environment is a build environment
environmentNameStringThis is the unique name of the environment

Each target in the list of targets contains these attributes.

targetIdLongThis is the unique Id of the environment
targetGroupIdLongThis is a foreign key to the parent targetGroup
environmentIdLongThis is a foreign key to the parent environment
isActiveBooleanThis is a boolean that tracks weather or not the target is active

Response Codes

200Search successful and results returned
400Bad request
401Authentication failure
403Authorization failure (no access to resource)
500Unexpected internal server error


If we had an environment in our database with an Id of 11101 and had the following attributes

Environment - 11101
   "description": "This is Environment 1" 
   "targets": [],
   "isActive": true,
   "environmentCode": "ENV1",
   "sortNumber": 1,
   "environmentId": 11101,
   "isBuildEnvironment": true,
   "environmentName": "Env 1"

When we run a GET request at the following URL

http://host:port/flexdeploy/rest/v2/topology/environment/?environmentCode=ENV1&environmentName=Env 1&isActive=true&sortNumber=1

The GET request would return the  following JSON environment object

Environment GET Return JSON
   "description": "This is Environment 1",
   "targets": [],
   "isActive": true,
   "environmentCode": "ENV1",
   "sortNumber": 1,
   "environmentId": 11101,
   "isBuildEnvironment": true,
   "environmentName": "Env 1"


This POST service will create a new environment with the same attributes as the given JSON object.


descriptionStringNoThis is the description that the created environment will have.

This is the list of targetGroups that are assigned to the created environment.

All provided targetGroups will be associated with this Environment. If a targetGroup is not found, it will be considered a bad request.

isActiveBooleanYesThis is the isActive boolean that is true if the created environment is active.
environmentCodeStringYesThis is the Code that the created environment will have.
sortNumberIntegerYesThis is the sort number that the created environment will have. If no sort number sent, it will generate one.
environmentIdLongYesThis is the Id place holder. This Id will not be given to the created environment.
isBuildEnvironmentBooleanYesThis is the isBuildEnvironment boolean that is true if the created environment is a build environment.
environmentNameStringYesThis is the name of the created environment.


descriptionStringThis is a description of the environment
targetsList<Target>This is a list of the targetGroups associated with the environment
isActiveBooleanThis is a boolean that tracks whether or not the environment is active
environmentCodeStringThis is the unique code of the environment
sortNumberIntegerThis is a number associated with the environment that sets the environments priority in a list of other environments
environmentIdLongThis is the unique Id of the environment
isBuildEnvironmentBooleanThis is a boolean that tracks whether or not the environment is a build environment
environmentNameStringThis is the unique name of the environment

Each target in the list of targets contains these attributes.

targetIdLongThis is the unique Id of the environment
targetGroupIdLongThis is a foreign key to the parent targetGroup
environmentIdLongThis is a foreign key to the parent environment
isActiveBooleanThis is a boolean that tracks weather or not the target is active

Response Codes

201Environment was created successfully
400Bad request
401Authentication failure
403Authorization failure (no access to resource)
500Unexpected internal server error

Example with Targets

If the POST request receives the following JSON environment object,

   "description": "This is Post 1",
         "targetGroupId": 15100
         "targetGroupId": 15101
   "isActive": true,
   "environmentCode": "POST1",
   "sortNumber": 1,
   "isBuildEnvironment": true,
   "environmentName": "Post 1"

The following environment object will then be created as a new row in the database.

Environment Post Return JSON
   "description": "This is Environment 1",
         "targetGroupId": 15100,
         "isActive": true,
         "targetId": 10001,
         "environmentId": 11101,
         "targetGroupId": 15101,
         "isActive": true,
         "targetId": 10002,
         "environmentId": 11101,
   "isActive": true,
   "environmentCode": "POST1",
   "sortNumber": 1,
   "environmentId": 11101,
   "isBuildEnvironment": true,
   "environmentName": "Post 1"

Example without Targets

If the POST request receives the following JSON environment object,

   "description": "This is Post 1",
   "isActive": true,
   "environmentCode": "POST1",
   "sortNumber": 1,
   "isBuildEnvironment": true,
   "environmentName": "Post 1"

The following environment object will then be created as a new row in the database.

Environment Post Return JSON
   "description": "This is Post 1",
   "targets": [],
   "isActive": true,
   "environmentCode": "POST1",
   "sortNumber": 1,
   "environmentId": 11101,
   "isBuildEnvironment": true,
   "environmentName": "Post 1"


This PUT service will update all attributes of an environment with the given Id based on the attributes of a JSON object parameters.

Sample PUT JSON Request
   "description": "This is Put 1",
   "targets": [],
   "isActive": false,
   "environmentCode": "PUT1",
   "sortNumber": 6,
   "environmentId": 00000,
   "isBuildEnvironment": true,
   "environmentName": "Put 1"


IdURLYesThis is a URL parameter for the Id which is used to find and return an environment with.
descriptionStringNoThis is the description that the environment's description will be updated to.

This is the list of targetGroups that will be assigned to the environment that is being updated. If currently associated targetGroup(s) are not in input list those targetGroups will be unassigned from this environment. If a targetGroup is not found, it will be considered a bad request.

i.e. at the end of successful request, environment will have mapped targets matching to input request.

isActiveBooleanYesThis is the isActive boolean that the environment's isActive boolean will be updated to.
environmentCodeStringYesThis is the Code that the environment's Code will be updated to.
sortNumberIntegerYesThis is the sort number that the environment's sort number will be updated to.
environmentIdLongYesThis is the Id place holder. This Id will not be updated in the environment.
isBuildEnvironmentBooleanYesThis is the isBuildEnvironment boolean that the environment's isBuildEnvironment boolean will be updated to.
environmentNameStringYesThis is the name that the environment's name will be updated to.


descriptionStringThis is a description of the environment
targetsList<Target>This is a list of the targetGroups associated with the environment
isActiveBooleanThis is a boolean that tracks whether or not the environment is active
environmentCodeStringThis is the unique code of the environment
sortNumberIntegerThis is a number associated with the environment that sets the environments priority in a list of other environments
environmentIdLongThis is the unique Id of the environment
isBuildEnvironmentBooleanThis is a boolean that tracks whether or not the environment is a build environment
environmentNameStringThis is the unique name of the environment

Each target in the list of targets contains these attributes.

targetIdLongThis is the unique Id of the environment
targetGroupIdLongThis is a foreign key to the parent targetGroup
environmentIdLongThis is a foreign key to the parent environment
isActiveBooleanThis is a boolean that tracks weather or not the target is active

Response Codes

200Environment was found and updated
400Bad request
401Authentication failure
403Authorization failure (no access to resource)
404Environment not found
500Unexpected internal server error


If we had an environment in our database with an Id of 11101 and had the following attributes

Environment PUT JSON
   "description": "This is Environment 1" 
         "targetGroupId": 15100,
         "isActive": true,
         "targetId": 10001,
         "environmentId": 11101,
   "isActive": true,
   "environmentCode": "ENV1",
   "sortNumber": 1,
   "environmentId": 11101,
   "isBuildEnvironment": true,
   "environmentName": "Env 1"

When we run a PUT request at the following URL


And the PUT request receives the following JSON environment object,

Environment PUT Receive JSON
   "description": "This is the updated Environment 1",
         "targetGroupId": 15101
   "isActive": true,
   "environmentCode": "PUT2",
   "sortNumber": 2,
   "environmentId": 11101,
   "isBuildEnvironment": false,
   "environmentName": "PUT 2"

The PUT request would then update the environment with Id 11101 and return the  following JSON environment object

Environment PUT Return JSON
   "description": "This is the updated Environment 1",
         "targetGroupId": 15101,
         "isActive": true,
         "targetId": 10002,
         "environmentId": 11101,
   "isActive": true,
   "environmentCode": "PUT2",
   "sortNumber": 2,
   "environmentId": 11101,
   "isBuildEnvironment": false,
   "environmentName": "PUT 2"


This PATCH service will update an existing environment with the information passed through a JSON object. If an attribute of the JSON is null it will not be updated in the environment.

Target Adding Functionality

By having a target in the JSON request the target will be added and no targetGroups will be unassigned.


IdURLYesThis is a URL parameter for the Id which is used to find and return an environment with.
descriptionStringNoThis is the description that the environment's description will be updated to.

This is the list of targetGroups that will be assigned to the environment that is being updated.

If input targetGroup(s) is not already assigned it will be assigned to environment but existing targetGroups assignment that are not in PATCH request will not be unassigned. If a targetGroup is not found, it will be considered a bad request.

i.e. input list is considered as append to existing assignments.

isActiveBooleanNoThis is the isActive boolean that the environment's isActive boolean will be updated to.
environmentCodeStringNoThis is the code that the environment's code will be update to.
sortNumberIntegerNoThis is the sort number that the environment's sort number will be updated to.
environmentIdLongNoThis is the Id place holder. It will not change the environment's Id that is being updated. 
isBuildEnvironmentBooleanNoThis is the isActive boolean that the environment's isActive boolean will be updated to.
environmentNameStringNoThis is the name that the environment's name will be updated to.


descriptionStringThis is a description of the environment
targetsList<Target>This is a list of the targetGroups associated with the environment
isActiveBooleanThis is a boolean that tracks whether or not the environment is active
environmentCodeStringThis is the unique code of the environment
sortNumberIntegerThis is a number associated with the environment that sets the environments priority in a list of other environments
environmentIdLongThis is the unique Id of the environment
isBuildEnvironmentBooleanThis is a boolean that tracks whether or not the environment is a build environment
environmentNameStringThis is the unique name of the environment

Each target in the list of targets contains these attributes.

targetIdLongThis is the unique Id of the environment
targetGroupIdLongThis is a foreign key to the parent targetGroup
environmentIdLongThis is a foreign key to the parent environment
isActiveBooleanThis is a boolean that tracks weather or not the target is active

Response Codes

200Environment was found and patched
400Bad request
401Authentication failure
403Authorization failure (no access to resource)
404Environment not found
500Unexpected internal server error


If we had an environment in our database with an Id of 11101 and had the following attributes

Environment PATCH JSON
   "description": "This is Environment 1",
         "targetGroupId": 15100,
         "isActive": true,
         "targetId": 10001,
         "environmentId": 11101,
   "isActive": true,
   "environmentCode": "ENV1",
   "sortNumber": 1,
   "environmentId": 11101,
   "isBuildEnvironment": false,
   "environmentName": "Env 1"

When we run a PATCH request at the following URL


And the PATCH request receives the following JSON environment object,

Environment PATCH Receive JSON
   "description": "This is Patch with some null attributes",
         "targetGroupId": 15101
		 "targetGroupId": 15102
   "isActive": null,
   "environmentCode": null,
   "sortNumber": 7,
   "environmentId": null,
   "isBuildEnvironment": false,
   "environmentName": "Patch with some null"

The PATCH request would then update the environment with Id 11101 and return the  following JSON environment object

Environment PATCH Return JSON
   "description": "This is Patch with some null attributes",
         "targetGroupId": 15100,
         "isActive": true,
         "targetId": 10001,
         "environmentId": 11101,
         "targetGroupId": 15101,
         "isActive": true,
         "targetId": 10002,
         "environmentId": 11101,
         "targetGroupId": 15102,
         "isActive": true,
         "targetId": 10003,
         "environmentId": 11101,
   "isActive": true,
   "environmentCode": "ENV1",
   "sortNumber": 7,
   "environmentId": 11101,
   "isBuildEnvironment": false,
   "environmentName": "Patch with some null"

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