Instance Property Variables

Instance Property Variables

SCM Instance Properties

SCM related properties are defined at the instance scope. For specific plugin properties, see Plugin Guides.

Test Instance Properties

Testing tool related properties are defined directly on the test instance, and are in the instance scope.  For specific plugin properties, see Plugin Guides.

Issue Tracking System Instance Properties

Issue tracking system related properties are defined at the instance scope. The following table indicates the available properties per issue tracking system:

Property NameDescription
JIRA_URLURL to the JIRA system
JIRA_PORTPort to access the JIRA system
JIRA_TICKET_URL_PATTERNPattern to link to a given JIRA ticket on the JIRA server
JIRA_TICKET_REST_PATTERNPattern to update/retrieve information on a given JIRA ticket on the JIRA server
JIRA_USER_NAMEUser name to login into the JIRA server
JIRA_PASSWORDAPI token or password to login into the JIRA server. Jira Documentation contains more information on generating API tokens.

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