Builds JDeveloper 12.1.3 project(s) using a deployment profile. This operation can be used to build JAR, WAR files, etc.
You should checkout or export code for entire JDeveloper application from SCM prior to running this operation. Checkout or Export can be easily done if you configure project with Source details. It is good practice to create FlexDeploy project with name that matches JDeveloper application name.
You can also use this operation to build ADF Library JAR files that are useful to share code across various project teams for modular development. Create deployment profile on your project as necessary, commit changes to SCM and run projectBuild plugin operation to execute deployment profile.
Workspace Name | FDADFBUILD_INP_APP_WORKSPACE | Yes | Workspace name. e.g. MyApplicatio.jws |
JDeveloper Project Name | FDADFBUILD_INP_PROJECT_NAME | Yes | Project name for which deployment profile will be executed |
Project Deployment Profile | FDADFBUILD_INP_PROJECT_DEPLOY_PROFILE | Yes | The name of the deployment profile to run. |
Everything from */deploy/* subfolders is copied to artifacts.
Endpoint Selection
This operation will select all available endpoints associated to the Target. The endpoint should be either a Docker host or a K8s cluster.
Endpoint Execution
This operation will randomly execute on one of the endpoints identified during selection.