Attributes | Type | Description |
description | String | Description of the Instancethe Target Group. |
environments | List<Long> | List of the Environment Ids that are associated with this instancethis Target Group. |
workflows | List<Long> | List of the workflow ids that are associated with this instancethis Target Group. |
instanceId | String | The unique id of the instanceTarget Group. The id is made when making the instanceTarget Group, and it is returned in the JSON. |
instanceName | String | Name of the instancethe Target Group. |
isActive | Boolean | Whether or not this instance Target Group is active. |
pluginOperations | List<PluginOperation> | List of the plugin operations that are associated with this instancethis Target Group. |
instanceCode | String | The code of the Instancethe Target Group. |
groupCode | String | The group code of the instancethe Target Group. |
subGroupCode | String | The sub group code of the instancethe Target Group. |
isDeploymentTarget | Boolean | Whether or not this instance is a deployment target. |