Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

Used for tagging text files to achieve font, color, graphic, and hyperlink effects on web pages.

Object Type Identification

  • Files with the extensions .html, .htm, .js, .jsp, .css, .xss, .xsl are included regardless of location

File Extensions 

.html or .htm
Hypertext Markup Language is a standardized system for tagging text files.
.jsJava Script file
.jspJava Server Pages file
.css or .xssCascading or XML Style Sheet
.xslXSL Transformation file


Object Type

HTML (Web) FilesHTML

Object Type Attributes

NameCodeDescriptionDefault ValueSupported Values
SourceSOURCEObject Source Location Type


Target LocationTARGET_LOCATIONPath to where the file should be deployed.$OA_HTML/


JSP CompileJSP_COMPILEJSP File Compilation ModeThe project property FDEBS_JSP_COMPILE controls the default.Compile,No,Compile with Flush
Target File PermissionsFILE_PERMISSIONSPermissions to apply to the file after it is deployedDefaults to the project property FDEBS_FILE_PERMISSIONS

Related Project Properties

NameCodeDescriptionDefault Value
FDEBS_HTML_ROOT_SOURCE_DIRSource folder for web files (e.g. web).html
FDEBS_HTML_ROOT_DESTINATION_DIRTarget directory for html files (e.g. $XXAR_TOP/html).$OA_HTML
FDEBS_JSP_COMPILECompile option for JSP files.



Valid values are (Compile,No,Compile with Flush)

File PermissionsFILE_PERMISSIONSPermissions to apply to the file after it is deployed

Sample Build Commands 

N/A - Build commands not supported for this type.  

Sample Deploy Commands 

Code Block
$FND_TOP/patch/115/bin/ --compile -s ahlprdMrJobMain.jsp
