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shell script is a computer program designed to be run by the Unix shell command-line interpreter.  These files will be executed after they are copied to the target location.

Object Type Identification


File Extensions 


Object Type


Script With ExecutionSCRIPT_EXECUTION

Object Type Attributes

NameCodeDescriptionDefault ValueSupported Values
SourceSOURCEObject Source Location Type


Target LocationTARGET_LOCATIONPath to where the file should be deployed to.$<PROD_TOP>/bin/
ParametersPARAMETERSArguments to pass to the shell script.

Target File PermissionsFILE_PERMISSIONSPermissions to apply to the file after it is deployedDefaults to the project property FDEBS_FILE_PERMISSIONS


NameCodeDescriptionDefault Value
EBS Scripts Root Destination DirectoryFDEBS_SCRIPTS_ROOT_DESTINATION_DIRTarget directory for script files (e.g. $FND_TOP/bin).$<PROD_TOP>/bin
FDEBS_SCRIPTS_ROOT_SOURCE_DIRSource folder for scripts files. (e.g. scripting)scripts
File PermissionsFDEBS_FILE_PERMISSIONSTarget File Permission. Will be set to target file after deployment using chmod. eg: 755
