Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

collection of reusable code, programs, and database objects that provides common functionality across all E-Business products.

Object Type Identification

  • If a .sql file is not a Concurrent program (indicated by parent folder), then it is considered DB Objects (SQLs). File content is also further analyzed by populate process.
  • Files ending in file extensions added to the EBS SQL Extensions (FDEBS_SQL_EXTENSIONS) project property are also added.
    • EBS SQL Extensions property defaults to seq,tbl,idx,typ,tps,tpb,sql,pkh,plb,pks,pkb,pls,pck,fnc,trg,spc,bdy,prc.


.sqlA file containing sql statements. Extensions may be customized using the FDEBS_SQL_EXTENSIONS project property.

Attribute Code



NameDescriptionDefault ValueSupported Values
SourceObject Source Location Type


Target LocationPath to where the file should be deployed to.$<PROD_TOP>/patch/115/sql/
TypeDB Object TypeGeneric SQL
DB User PropertyFlexDeploy property to use as the user to connect to the database with.FDEBS_DB_USER
DB Password PropertyFlexDeploy property to use as the password for the DB User Property.FDEBS_DB_PASSWORD
Ignore Failure

Check if failure in file should be ignored.

If file contains WHENEVER SQLERROR CONTINUE, this property will default to true.
Fix SQL Syntax

If there is need to add / at the end of file, FlexDeploy will add it at deploy time. For example, if there is program block as last statement, we need / and new line after it.

Target File PermissionPermissions to apply to the file after it is deployed<None>
