Versions Compared


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  1. Stop the Tomcat server. Use on Linux and shutdown.bat on Windows.

  2. Backup the FlexDeploy schemas and Artifact Repository. In case you need to back out FlexDeploy, you can use these backup data.

    For back-out purposes, it is highly recommended that a database backup of the Oracle database be taken using standard tools like RMAN. Another option would be to export the FD, FD_ADMIN, and FF schemas using data pump. The schemas can be exported using the following data pump command:

    titleBackup Database
    expdp system directory=DATA_PUMP_DIR dumpfile=fd_bkup.dmp schemas=FD,FF,FD_ADMIN
    If this database is exclusively used for just FlexDeploy application, you can rely on Database backup and recovery processes (RMAN)
    instead of export data procedure.

    It is recommended that a backup of the artifact repository file system be taken in case a back-out is required. The location of the artifact repository can be identified by looking at value of -Dflexagon.fd.repository.root in or setenv.bat file. This file will be in <FlexDeploy Home>/apache-tomcat-flexdeploy/bin/. Standard file backup procedures can be followed. Optionally, the following command (unix only) can be used to create a tar file backup of the entire directory.

    titleBackup Artifact Repository
    tar –cvzf artifact.tar.gz <artifact repository location>

  3. Upgrade the FlexDeploy schemas

    Include Page
    FlexDeploy Schema Upgrade
    FlexDeploy Schema Upgrade

  4. From the FlexDeploy Tomcat distribution, copy /apache-tomcat-flexdeploy/webapps/flexdeploy.war into <TOMCAT_HOME>/webapps (overwrite existing file).
  5. If using the Salesforce integration, from the FlexDeploy Tomcat distribution, copy /apache-tomcat-flexdeploy/lib/ant-salesforce.jar into <TOMCAT_HOME>/lib
  6. A new is available in /apache-tomcat-flexdeploy/conf, and is recommended to be copied to <TOMCAT_HOME>/conf.
  7. If using IBM ClearCase, you will need to copy some jar files from your ClearCase server to the FlexDeploy installation
    1. Copy all of the jar files found in the comthe folder vxxx folder of your ClearCase server to <FlexDeploy to <FlexDeploy Home>/apache-tomcat-flexdeploy/lib.

  8. Include Page
    Copy Plugins for Auto Upload - Migration Guide
    Copy Plugins for Auto Upload - Migration Guide

  9. Start tomcat by running the following script.
    1. <TOMCAT_HOME>/bin/ (startup.bat on Windows)
  10. Launch FlexDeploy in your browser - http://<hostname>:<port>/flexdeploy