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If FlexDeploy is being installed for first time, setup Tomcat server and a Data Source as explained in following steps. If only updating new war file, jump to installing the Warskip to Installation for Tomcat. 

Install Tomcat


  • Install a supported version of the JDK following the install procedures provided with the JDK
  • Set the JAVA_HOME variable to the location the JDK was installed to
  • Extract Tomcat to a folder where it will reside and run from.

Install jars into tomcat lib

Some jars are needed to support running an ADF application on Tomcat. Please download the following and put in the lib folder inside where you downloaded Tomcat.

    •  Extract Extract zip files in flat structure using unzip -j *.zip (works on Windows and UNIX)
      • cd <tomcat lib folder>
      • unzip -j <path to temp folder>/
      • unzip -j <path to temp folder>/
    • You should see a large number of jars now in the tomcat/lib folder.
  • Download the following jars and place them in tomcat/lib as well please.



Data Source

  • Open context.xml for editing. It is located in the conf folder where you extracted Tomcat.
  • Add the following text, changing <password for fd_admin> to the actual password.
Code Block
titleData Source
<Resource name="jdbc/flexdbDS" auth="Container" type="oracle.jdbc.pool.OracleDataSource" factory="oracle.jdbc.pool.OracleDataSourceFactory"              
url="jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521:xe" user="fd_admin" password="<password for fd_admin>" maxActive="100" maxIdle="10" maxWait="60" validationQuery="select 1 from dual" testOnBorrow="true"/>



Tomcat Environment



  • Create file setenv.bat in the tomcat \ bin folder
  • edit the file.
Code Block
set CATALINA_OPTS=%CATALINA_OPTS% -Xms1024m -Xmx2048m -XX:MaxPermSize=512m -Doracle.mds.cache=simple -Dorg.apache.el.parser.SKIP_IDENTIFIER_CHECK=true -Dflexagon.fd.repository.root=<real path on your server> -Dflexagon.fd.install.root=<real path on your server> -Djava.awt.headless=true


  • Create file in the tomcat / bin folder.
  • edit the file.

Code Block
JAVA_HOME=<Path to your JAVA_HOME>
CATALINA_OPTS='-Xms1024m -Xmx2048m -XX:MaxPermSize=512m -Doracle.mds.cache=simple -Dorg.apache.el.parser.SKIP_IDENTIFIER_CHECK=true -Dflexagon.fd.repository.root=<real path on your server> -Dflexagon.fd.install.root=<real path on your server>'


Please make sure to modify the arguments for Server working directory (-Dflexagon.fd.install.root) and Artifacts repository (-Dflexagon.fd.repository.root) as per your installation.

  • Setup Logger Configurations.
    • ???


WAR Installation

  • Put the flexdeploy.war file into the webapps folder.
  • Start Tomcat
  • path to bin / on UNIX or double click startup.bat in the tomcat\bin folder if you are on Windows.