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These instructions are for installing FlexDeploy in a standalone Tomcat server.  If you are installing a new server, see Installation for Tomcat (included) for a simplified installation which includes the Tomcat 8.5.5 server.  If you wish to use an existing Tomcat server, or to use a different version of Tomcat, please continue with the standalone installation.


    • Extract zip files in flat structure using unzip -j (works on Windows and UNIX)
      • cd <TOMCAT_HOME>/lib
      • unzip -j <path to temp folder>/
      • unzip -j <path to temp folder>/
    • You should see a large number of jars now in the tomcat/lib folder.
  • Copy the jars with the following names from the file  /apache-tomcat-flexdeploy/lib folder and place them in <TOMCAT_HOME>/lib as well.
  • FDLogFormatter.jar is found in the zip file with the FlexDeploy war /apache-tomcat-flexdeploy/lib folder. Please copy that file into the tomcatthe <TOMCAT_HOME>/lib folder  folder as well.
  • If using IBM ClearCase, you will need to copy the following jar files from your ClearCase server into <TOMCAT_HOME>/lib
    • The jar files can be located in the folder of your ClearCase server. 
