Versions Compared


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  • FLEXDEPLOY-9540 - If the influxd process is stopped, FlexDeploy will now detect connection refused errors and reattempt measurement push only after a few minutes. This will avoid too many errors in log files in a short duration.

  • FLEXDEPLOY-12126 - Resolved an issue where URL query parameters would not reset correctly if navigating away from a popup.

  • FLEXDEPLOY-12150 - The Git Account validate logic has been updated to handle more scenarios regarding the Override API Url.

  • FLEXDEPLOY-12161 - Resolved an issue where the Test Email Configuration action did not utilize updated SMTP properties.

  • Project

    • FLEXDEPLOY-11996 - Creating a File ending with "/" in the file catalog is now not allowed, otherwise this causes the File Name (with Path) [/xyz] already exists error.

    • FLEXDEPLOY-12114 - Resolved an issue with the v1 Project service patch method, where build workflow and instances were removed if the BuildInfo attribute was not provided. This same issue also occurred for DeployInfo and UtilityExecutionInfo as well.

    • FLEXDEPLOY-12139 - Resolved an issue where downloading individual artifacts was not allowed if flexagon.fd.repository.root contains a symbolic link.

    • FLEXDEPLOY-9426 - Resolved an issue where the project search was not showing correct results when using more than one search parameter for a Standard type project.

    • FLEXDEPLOY-12109 - Resolved a rare issue where projects and releases you have read access to were not displayed when viewing the parent folder's content.

    • FLEXDEPLOY-12131 - Resolved an issue that occasionally caused incorrect navigation to the package execution tab, even when no files were configured in the package.

    • FLEXDEPLOY-12172 - Resolved an issue where opened folders were not being re-opened when returning to the Projects screen.

    • FLEXDEPLOY-12207 - Utility projects will now show an icon indicating which execution rows have been purged.

    • FLEXDEPLOY-12217 - Resolved an issue where copying a package with 1000+ files would lead to an error if using Oracle Database.

  • Workflow

    • FLEXDEPLOY-12224 - Resolved an 8.0 regression causing child workflow properties to not properly display on Project Properties or Target Properties screens, and potentially their values not apply to workflow executions if the workflow was created or modified after upgrading to 8.0, and using an invoke workflow step. Upgrade to resolves the issue without user intervention. If unable to upgrade to, a workaround is available.

  • Plugin Execution

    • FLEXDEPLOY-11634 - Resolved an issue that caused inputs to appear duplicated on the Plugin Log - Inputs tab when the plugin was executed on multiple endpoints. This was solely a display issue and did not affect plugin execution.

    • FLEXDEPLOY-12002 - Resolved an issue where the Plugin Logs - Outputs tab displayed incorrect output values when the plugin was executed on multiple endpoints. Additionally, plugin outputs assigned to workflow variables will now be comma-separated when executed on multiple endpoints.

  • Topology

    • FLEXDEPLOY-12154 - Resolved an issue where the Max Concurrent Execution value on the Endpoint could be set outside the allowed range of 0 to 50 using REST API.

    • FLEXDEPLOY-12227 - Resolved an 8.0 regression causing some plugin property sets to display as "Plugin - undefined" in the manage workflow and plugin property sets popup.

  • Work Items

    • FLEXDEPLOY-12003 - Resolved an issue where attachments for external work items occasionally could not be previewed.

  • Release and Pipeline Management

    • FLEXDEPLOY-12235 - Resolved an issue in the pipeline select dropdown causing the "Loading More..." to be displayed indefinitely in certain cases.

    • FLEXDEPLOY-12163 - The create snapshot popup now correctly sorts the full project path column. Previously only the folder path was used and not the project name.

    • FLEXDEPLOY-12168 - Resolved an issue where the pipeline step or gate may not sequence to the next sequence properly. This situation can occur when the Copy Pipeline feature is used to make a new pipeline.

    • FLEXDEPLOY-12270 - Reduced time delay in the Create Snapshot process when there is an existing build running for snapshot projects.

  • Webhooks

    • FLEXDEPLOY-12306 - Resolved an issue causing the Create Function button to not be clickable on the Incoming Webhooks page.

  • Reports

    • FLEXDEPLOY-11855 - Resolved an issue where standard projects not deployed to the refreshed-from environment were not displayed or synced with a Post Refresh request.

  • Saved Query

    • FLEXDEPLOY-12265 - Resolved an issue causing Saved Query subscription exports of the Environment Discrepancies report to be empty.

    • FLEXDEPLOY-12266 - Testing Saved Query subscription exports will now use the info present in the form. Previously only the saved version would be tested

  • Security

    • FLEXDEPLOY-12171 - Resolved an issue where Saved Query and Dashboard shares were removed for Admin Groups when the group was updated.

    • FLEXDEPLOY-12250 - The Group Members page now strikes through inactive users. A new column has also been added to the Group Member export "user.memberActive"

  • Various Plugins

    • FLEXDEPLOY-5103 - EBS, File, and Shell plugins now properly handle files checked into SCM with colons in the file names and paths. Windows does not allow a colon in the file name, so this will work on for Linux endpoints. Files sourced from Cloud / EBS / OBI and other back-end sources will continue to replace the colon with %3a, which allows those files to work on Windows and Unix endpoints.

    • FLEXDEPLOY-12326 - All environment variables are now passed into the context of Shell plugins such as the EBS, Unix, and Windows shell plugins, even if the variables start with the letters "FD."

  • Oracle EBS Plugin

    • FLEXDEPLOY-12177 - Resolved an issue in versions and of the EBS plugin that prevented proper execution of chmod on deployed ISG files.

  • Oracle SaaS FSM Plugin

    • FLEXDEPLOY-12059 - Resolved an issue where Oracle FSM integration defaulted to Basic Auth even when OAuth was being used.

  • JDBC Plugin

    • FLEXDEPLOY-12091 - Resolved an issue that caused an Unsupported Database: error. JDBC plugin now attempts to support any SQL dialect.

  • Oracle Data Integration Plugin

    • FLEXDEPLOY-12134 - Resolved an issue where Created By was being reset for ODI 11g deployments.

  • SoapUI Docker Plugin

    • FLEXDEPLOY-12324 - Resolved a regression issue for the SoapUI Docker plugin where the location of the SoapUI executable was incorrect.

  • REST Plugin

    • FLEXDEPLOY-11999 - Resolved the issue where the REST Plugin failed to create outputs with invalid names caused by header names containing invalid characters.

  • WebLogic Plugin

    • FLEXDEPLOY-12253 - WLST operations - Added an input to allow passing in a restricted set of Target Group properties. This will allows allow customers with a large number of properties to avoid errors about their environment being too large.
