Using the Docker plugin FlexDeploy - Docker Plugin Guide we can perform different operations, one of the important operation is pushing the image to different Docker registries dockerPushImage . Docker plugin support to push docker images to Docker Hub, Microsoft Azure Container Registry, Google Cloud Container Registry, Google Cloud Artifact Registry, AWS Public Container Registry, AWS Private Container Registry and OCI Container Registry.
... currently hosts the images in the United States, but the location may change in the future hosts the image in the United States, in a separate storage bucket from images hosted by hosts the images within member states of the European Union hosts the images in Asia
Refer to the link: Configure Service Account with key setup
Key File Format:
Refer to the link: Different regions are supported:
Region is a specific geographic place, such as Tokyo or Northern Virginia.
Multi-region is a large geographic area, such as Asia or the United States, that contains two or more geographic places.
AWS Public Container Registry