WebLogic 12.1.3 Installation Scripts
Flexagon has developed a set of silent install scripts (click link to download) for WebLogic 12.1.3 and the ADF Runtime (which is required for FlexDeploy). These scripts are provided as is, and can be modified as required.
Unix Install
Copy the silent install scripts file to the target server and follow the instructions below. Unzip install scripts in a new folder. All script execution should be performed from this scripts folder.
Directory Structure is derived from Oracle documentation http://docs.oracle.com/middleware/1213/soasuite/SOEDG/edg_storage.htm#SOEDG2168. We will use local storage for all directories.
These instructions will use the oracle user and dba group, but you can any other user and group names as desired.
Create oracle user if it does not exist
useradd -m oracle passwd oracle (enter password when prompted)
Create dba group and assign as oracle user’s primary group
groupadd dba usermod –g dba oracle
Create and initialize directories where software will be installed. Modify locations as appropriate.
mkdir –p /u01/oracle chown –R oracle:dba /u01/oracle chmod –R 775 /u01
Setup /etc/oraInst.loc file. Modify locations as appropriate.
echo "inventory_loc=/u01/oracle/oraInventory" > /etc/oraInst.loc echo "inst_group=dba" >> /etc/oraInst.loc chmod 755 /etc/oraInst.loc
Download and Install Java
- Download java install from http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/jdk8-downloads-2133151.html
- Download .tar.gz file, so that you can run tar -zxvf to install Java.
- Copy install files to /u01/oracle/products/java8
- Note: Do not keep any specific patch level in folder name, for example do not use jdk1.8.0_141, but instead use java8 or jdk8.
Download ADF Runtime
- Download ADF 12.1.3 runtime from http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/developer-tools/adf/downloads/index.html
- Select Application Development Runtime
- File name: "fmw_12."
- Extract this file to get - fmw_12. and copy to directory where install scripts were extracted
Install WebLogic Binaries
WebLogic and ADF Runtime binaries will be installed in /u01/oracle/products/fmw1213. Modify ORACLE_HOME directory in fmw_1213_install.rsp if another location is desired.
export JAVA_HOME=/u01/oracle/products/java8 $JAVA_HOME/bin/java -d32 -jar fmw_12. -silent -invPtrLoc /etc/oraInst.loc -responseFile fmw_1213_install.rsp
export JAVA_HOME=/u01/oracle/products/java8 $JAVA_HOME/bin/java -d64 -jar fmw_12. -silent -invPtrLoc /etc/oraInst.loc -responseFile fmw_1213_install.rsp
Create RCU Schemas
If your database version is not supported, RCU command will fail, in which case you may have to manually run it, as GUI allows version check override. These scripts will create the STB, MDS, IAU, IAU_APPEND, IAU_VIEWER, OPSS, WLS schemas using RCU. Run RCU in GUI mode if using XE database.
Setup Environment
# modify if you have installed software in different folder export ORACLE_INSTALL_HOME=/u01/oracle/products/fmw1213 # modify if you have different location export JAVA_HOME=/u01/oracle/products/java8 # fill in sys password here export SYS_DB_PASSWORD= # fill in password for new RCU schemas which will be created export WLS_SCHEMA_PASSWORD= # fill in value here (either host:port:sid or host:port/servicename); Use exact format, and do not include jdbc:oracle:thin:@ export DB_CONNECT_STRING=
Prepare PasswordFile.txt for use with RCU silent command
From directory where install scripts are located:
> PasswordFile.txt chmod 700 PasswordFile.txt echo $SYS_DB_PASSWORD>PasswordFile.txt echo $WLS_SCHEMA_PASSWORD>>PasswordFile.txt
Execute RCU command (from install script directory where PasswordFile.txt file is located)
$ORACLE_INSTALL_HOME/oracle_common/bin/rcu -silent -databaseType ORACLE -createRepository -connectString ${DB_CONNECT_STRING} -dbUser sys -dbRole SYSDBA -useSamePasswordForAllSchemaUsers true -schemaPrefix FD -component STB -component MDS -component IAU -component IAU_APPEND -component IAU_VIEWER -component OPSS -component WLS -f < PasswordFile.txt
Remove PasswordFile.txt file after RCU schemas are successfully created, as it contains clear text passwords.
Create Domain and Managed Servers
Setup Environment
# modify if you have installed software in different folder export ORACLE_INSTALL_HOME=/u01/oracle/products/fmw1213 # modify if you are using different folder structure; domain is created here export ORACLE_CONFIG_DIRECTORY=/u01/oracle/config export JAVA_HOME=/u01/oracle/products/java8 # fill in password for new FD_ schemas for Weblogic, same as what was used in previous step export WLS_SCHEMA_PASSWORD= # FILL IN VALUE HERE - password for new domain to be created here export DOMAIN_PASSWORD= export FDWLS_DOMAIN_NAME=fd_domain export FDWLS_ADMIN_DOMAIN_DIRECTORY=$ORACLE_CONFIG_DIRECTORY/domains/$FDWLS_DOMAIN_NAME export FDWLS_ADMIN_USER=weblogic export FDWLS_ADMIN_PASSWORD=$DOMAIN_PASSWORD export FDWLS_ADMIN_LISTEN_ADDRESS=`hostname` export FDWLS_ADMIN_LISTEN_PORT=7001 export FD_ORACLE_MW_HOME=$ORACLE_INSTALL_HOME export FDWLS_BASE_INSTALL_DIRECTORY=$ORACLE_CONFIG_DIRECTORY/applications/$FDWLS_DOMAIN_NAME export FDWLS_NODEMANAGER_HOST=`hostname` export FDWLS_NODEMANAGER_PORT=5556 export FDWLS_NODEMANAGER_USER=weblogic export FDWLS_NODEMANAGER_PASSWORD=$DOMAIN_PASSWORD export FDWLS_NODEMANAGER_TYPE=SSL export FLEXDEPLOY_SERVER_PORT=8001 # FILL IN JDBC URL HERE - e.g. jdbc:oracle:thin:@host:port:sid or jdbc:oracle:thin:@host:port/servicename export FLX_INSTALL_RCU_DB_URL= export FLX_INSTALL_RCU_DB_USER=FD_STB export FLX_INSTALL_RCU_DB_PASSWORD=$WLS_SCHEMA_PASSWORD
Create WebLogic Domain
$FD_ORACLE_MW_HOME/wlserver/common/bin/wlst.sh createWLSDomain.py
Extend WebLogic Domain for ADF
$FD_ORACLE_MW_HOME/wlserver/common/bin/wlst.sh createADFDomain.py
Start Admin Server
cd $FDWLS_ADMIN_DOMAIN_DIRECTORY nohup ./startWebLogic.sh > AdminServer.out & tail -f AdminServer.out # wait for server to start before continuing
Create Managed Server
$FD_ORACLE_MW_HOME/wlserver/common/bin/wlst.sh createFDServer.py
Start Node Manager
cd $FDWLS_ADMIN_DOMAIN_DIRECTORY/bin nohup ./startNodeManager.sh > NodeManager.out & tail -f NodeManager.out # wait for Node Manager to start before continuing
Start Managed Server
- Go to console - http://<host>:7001/console
- Login using credentials provided in environment setup
Now you can go back to the main page of directions and configure the managed server to run FlexDeploy.
Windows Install
Copy the silent install scripts file to the target server and follow the instructions below. Unzip install scripts in a new folder. All script execution should be performed from this scripts folder.
Directory Structure is derived from Oracle documentation http://docs.oracle.com/middleware/1213/soasuite/SOEDG/edg_storage.htm#SOEDG2168. We will use local storage for all directories.
Create and initialize directories where software will be installed. Modify locations as appropriate.
mkdir c:/u01/oracle
Download and Install Java
- Download java install from http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/jdk8-downloads-2133151.html
- Download 64bit jdk.
- Run installer to install Java in c:/u01/oracle/products/java8
- Note: Do not keep any specific patch level in folder name, for example do not use jdk1.8.0_60, but instead use java8 or jdk8.
Download ADF Runtime
- Download ADF 12.1.3 runtime from http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/developer-tools/adf/downloads/index.html
- Select Application Development Runtime
- File name: "fmw_12."
- Extract this file to get - fmw_12. and copy to directory where silent install scripts were extracted.
Install WebLogic Binaries
WebLogic and ADF Runtime binaries will be installed in c:/u01/oracle/products/fmw1213. Modify ORACLE_HOME directory in fmw_1213_install.rsp if another location is desired.
set JAVA_HOME=c:/u01/oracle/products/java8 %JAVA_HOME%/bin/java.exe -d32 -jar fmw_12. -nowait -silent -responseFile [FULL PATH TO directory where silent install scripts were extracted]\fmw_1213_install.rsp
set JAVA_HOME=c:/u01/oracle/products/java8 %JAVA_HOME%/bin/java.exe -d64 -jar fmw_12. -nowait -silent -responseFile [FULL PATH TO directory where silent install scripts were extracted]\fmw_1213_install.rsp
Create RCU Schemas
If your database version is not supported, RCU command will fail, in which case you may have to manually run it, as GUI allows version check override. These scripts will create the STB, MDS, IAU, IAU_APPEND, IAU_VIEWER, OPSS, WLS schemas using RCU. Run RCU in GUI mode if using XE database.
Setup Environment
REM modify if you have installed software in different folder set ORACLE_INSTALL_HOME=c:/u01/oracle/products/fmw1213 set JAVA_HOME=c:/u01/oracle/products/java8 REM fill in sys password here set SYS_DB_PASSWORD= REM fill in password for new FD_ schemas for Weblogic set WLS_SCHEMA_PASSWORD= REM fill in value here (either host:port:sid or host:port@servicename) set DB_CONNECT_STRING=
Prepare PasswordFile.txt for use with RCU silent command
From directory where install scripts are located:
echo > PasswordFile.txt echo %SYS_DB_PASSWORD%>PasswordFile.txt echo %WLS_SCHEMA_PASSWORD%>>PasswordFile.tx
Execute RCU command (from install script directory where PasswordFile.txt file is located)
%ORACLE_INSTALL_HOME%/oracle_common/bin/rcu.bat -silent -databaseType ORACLE -createRepository -connectString %DB_CONNECT_STRING% -dbUser sys -dbRole SYSDBA -useSamePasswordForAllSchemaUsers true -schemaPrefix FD -component STB -component MDS -component IAU -component IAU_APPEND -component IAU_VIEWER -component OPSS -component WLS -f < PasswordFile.txt
Remove PasswordFile.txt file after RCU schemas are successfully created, as it contains clear text passwords.
del PasswordFile.txt
Create Domain and Managed Servers
Setup Environment
REM modify if you have installed software in different folder set ORACLE_INSTALL_HOME=c:/u01/oracle/products/fmw1213 REM modify if you are using different folder structure, domain will be created under this structure set ORACLE_CONFIG_DIRECTORY=c:/u01/oracle/config set JAVA_HOME=c:/u01/oracle/products/java8 REM fill in password for new FD_ schemas for Weblogic, same as what was used in previous step set WLS_SCHEMA_PASSWORD= REM FILL IN VALUE HERE - password for new domain to be created here set DOMAIN_PASSWORD= set FDWLS_DOMAIN_NAME=fd_domain set FDWLS_ADMIN_DOMAIN_DIRECTORY=%ORACLE_CONFIG_DIRECTORY%/domains/%FDWLS_DOMAIN_NAME% set FDWLS_ADMIN_USER=weblogic set FDWLS_ADMIN_PASSWORD=%DOMAIN_PASSWORD% set FDWLS_ADMIN_LISTEN_ADDRESS=%COMPUTERNAME% set FDWLS_ADMIN_LISTEN_PORT=7001 set FD_ORACLE_MW_HOME=%ORACLE_INSTALL_HOME% set FDWLS_BASE_INSTALL_DIRECTORY=%ORACLE_CONFIG_DIRECTORY%/applications/%FDWLS_DOMAIN_NAME% set FDWLS_NODEMANAGER_HOST=%COMPUTERNAME% set FDWLS_NODEMANAGER_PORT=5556 set FDWLS_NODEMANAGER_USER=weblogic set FDWLS_NODEMANAGER_PASSWORD=%DOMAIN_PASSWORD% set FDWLS_NODEMANAGER_TYPE=SSL set FLEXDEPLOY_SERVER_PORT=7003 REM FILL IN JDBC URL HERE to RCU schema database, For example - jdbc:oracle:thin:@host:port:sid or jdbc:oracle:thin:@host:port/servicename set FLX_INSTALL_RCU_DB_URL= set FLX_INSTALL_RCU_DB_USER=FD_STB set FLX_INSTALL_RCU_DB_PASSWORD=%WLS_SCHEMA_PASSWORD%
Create WebLogic Domain
%FD_ORACLE_MW_HOME%/wlserver/common/bin/wlst.cmd createWLSDomain.py
Extend WebLogic Domain for ADF
%FD_ORACLE_MW_HOME%/wlserver/common/bin/wlst.cmd createADFDomain.py
Start Admin Server
cd %FDWLS_ADMIN_DOMAIN_DIRECTORY% startWebLogic.cmd REM wait for server to start before continuing
Create Managed Server
%FD_ORACLE_MW_HOME%/wlserver/common/bin/wlst.cmd createFDServer.py
Start Node Manager
cd %FDWLS_ADMIN_DOMAIN_DIRECTORY%/bin startNodeManager.cmd REM wait for Node Manager to start before continuing
Start Managed Server
- Go to console - http://<host>:7001/console
- Login using credentials provided in environment setup
Now you can go back to the main page of directions and configure the managed server to run FlexDeploy.
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