SSO integration using SAML requires FlexDeploy to be available from a HTTPS url.
Salesforce support SSO as an identity provider meaning you can log into an external service provider (i.e FlexDeploy) or relying party with your Salesforce credentials.
The following documentation is referenced from Salesforce. See Salesforce Single Sign-On documentation for more information.
To set up this SSO configuration, follow these instructions:
1. Enable Salesforce as an identity provider
Determine which certificate you want to use to enable your org to communicate with the service provider. You can use the default certificate or create your own. See Certificates and Keys.
By default, a Salesforce identity provider uses a self-signed certificate generated with the SHA-256 signature algorithm. If you want to use the default certificate, proceed to step 2.
To create a new self-signed certificate, follow the instructions in Generate a Self-Signed Certificate. These instructions will be using a self-signed certificate.
To create a CA-signed certificate, follow the instructions in Generate a Certificate Signed by a Certificate Authority
From Setup, in the Quick Find box, enter Identity Provider, then select Identity Provider.
Click Enable Identity Provider.
Select a certificate from the dropdown menu.
Save your changes.
Click Download Certificate. This is typically .crt file. FlexDeploy will use the certificate to connect to Salesforce.
Copy or make a note of the Salesforce Identity value, this is the Metadata URL. FlexDeploy will use the Metadata URL to connect to Salesforce.
2. Integrate FlexDeploy as a SAML-enabled connected app
Use the New Connected App wizard to define a connected app.
In Lightning Experience, you use the App Manager to create connected apps. From Setup, enter App in the Quick Find box, then select App Manager. Click New Connected App.
In Salesforce Classic, from Setup, enter Apps in the Quick Find box, then select Apps. On that page under Connected Apps, click New.
Configure settings for the connected app.
Under Basic Information
Name your app - i.e FlexDeploy
Enter your own email address
Under Web App Settings
Select Enable SAML.
For Entity Id, enter https://HOST:PORT/flexdeploy/callback?client_name=SAML2Client
For ACS URL, enter https://HOST:PORT/flexdeploy/callback?client_name=SAML2Client
For Start URL, enter https://HOST:PORT/flexdeploy/callback?client_name=SAML2Client
For Subject Type, select Username.
For Name ID Format, select urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:nameid-format:persistent.
For Issuer, keep the default value, your subdomain.
In the field IdP Provider Certificate, keep the default (unselected).
For Verify Request Signatures, keep the default (unselected).
Click Save.
Under Profiles or Permission Sets, add the profiles or permissions sets of the users who can access this connected app
3. Import SSO Certificate from Salesforce into FlexDeploy keystore
You can use the same keystore which was created as part of the HTTPS configuration, or create one using the below command: This will also create a PrivateKeyEntry
keytool -genkey -alias flexdeploy -keyalg RSA -keystore /u01/flexdeploy/sso/flexdeploy.keystore
Import the certificate from step 1 into the keystore (adjust parameters below as appropriate).
keytool -import -alias salesforce -file /var/tmp/self_signed.cert -keystore /u01/flexdeploy/sso/flexdeploy.keystore
If you didn’t already create a private key for the purpose of https, perhaps due to using a load balancer, or create one from -genkey command you will need to generate a private key with a password.
keytool -genkey -keyalg RSA -alias flexdeployserver -keystore /home/oracle/flexdeploy.keystore -validity 3650 -keysize 2048
4. FlexDeploy Realm Config
Replace capitalized text with appropriate values. Update values in the configuration file as shown below.
FLEXDEPLOY_HOME - Directory on the server where FlexDeploy is installed
KEYSTORE_PASSWORD - The Java key store password.
PRIVATE_KEY_PASSWORD -The private key password.
OKTA_METADATA_URL - The URL (from Okta) to the identity provider metadata (e.g.
FLEXDEPLOY_HOST - FlexDeploy application host
FLEXDEPLOY_PORT - FlexDeploy application port
AUDIENCE_RESTRICTION - The Audience Restriction or Audience URI (SP Entity ID) found in the Okta UI.
PATH_TO_YOUR_KEYSTORE_FILE - The path to the keystore, including the file name and extension.
Example fdsso.config file for Okta (SAML 2.0)
Change log
FlexDeploy - The values for
have changed
callbackFilter.defaultUrl = /flexdeploy saml2Config = org.pac4j.saml.config.SAML2Configuration saml2Config.keystorePath = PATH_TO_YOUR_KEYSTORE_FILE saml2Config.keystorePassword = KEYSTORE_PASSWORD saml2Config.privateKeyPassword = PRIVATE_KEY_PASSWORD saml2Config.identityProviderMetadataPath = OKTA_METADATA_URL saml2Config.maximumAuthenticationLifetime = 3600 saml2Config.serviceProviderEntityId = AUDIENCE_RESTRICTION saml2Config.serviceProviderMetadataPath = FLEXDEPLOY_HOME/apache-tomcat-flexdeploy/sso/FlexDeployMetadata.xml saml2Client = org.pac4j.saml.client.SAML2Client saml2Client.configuration = $saml2Config clients.callbackUrl = https://FLEXDEPLOY_HOST:FLEXDEPLOY_PORT/flexdeploy/callback clients.clients=$saml2Client isAuthenticatedAdmin = org.pac4j.core.authorization.authorizer.IsAuthenticatedAuthorizer excludedPathMatcher = org.pac4j.core.matching.matcher.PathMatcher excludedPathMatcher.excludedPath = /next/#/login config.authorizers = admin:$isAuthenticatedAdmin config.matchers = excludedPath:$excludedPathMatcher ssoFilter = ssoFilter.config = $config ssoFilter.clients = SAML2Client ssoFilter.matchers = nocache ssoFilter.authorizers = admin logout = io.buji.pac4j.filter.LogoutFilter logout.config = $config logout.localLogout = true logout.centralLogout = false logout.defaultUrl = https://FLEXDEPLOY_HOST:FLEXDEPLOY_PORT/flexdeploy/next/#/home
Configuration Tips
If the Java keystore referenced (line 3) does not exist, it will automatically be created, and key will be generated and inserted into the keystore using the passwords provided (line 3 and 4).
The Okta Identity Provider Metadata can be found from within the Sign On tab of your Okta application.
5. Restart FlexDeploy to apply configuration changes
Login to Identity Provider - Salesforce
Go to Start URL, and it should redirect you to FlexDeploy new user page if its your first time logging in.