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Executes an Apache JMeter Test Plan.
Test Instance Properties
Property Name | Property Code | Required | Description |
JMeter Home Directory | FDJM_JMETER_HOME_DIR | Yes | Apache JMeter Home directory. Make sure you give the path where you have bin directory of the JMeter. |
jmeter.properties Path | FDJM_JMETER_PROPERTIES_FILE | No | Apache JMeter Properties file |
Environment/Instance Properties
Property Name | Property Code | Required | Description |
Project Properties
Property Name | Property Code | Required | Description |
Input Name | Input Code | Required | Description |
Test Plan File | FDJM_TEST_PLAN_FILE | Yes | JMeter Test Plan (jmx) file. Relative paths will be assumed to be in the FD_ARTIFACTS_DIR. (e.g. /Tests/project/hrTestPlan.jmx) |
Properties | FDJM_PROPERTIES | No | Properties for the test. (e.g. host=fd.com,port=80,threadCount=10) |
User Properties Files | FDJM_USER_PROPERTIES_FILE | No | User Properties file. elative paths will be assumed to be in the FD_ARTIFACTS_DIR. |
Property Name | Required | Description |
This operation consumes a test plan (.jmx file) Apache JMeter test artifacts, if available.
Endpoint Selection
This operation delegates endpoint selection to the workflow developer. The workflow editor will default the selection to "All", which selects all available endpoints associated to the environment instance. Selecting a specific resource will result in selection of endpoints associated to the environment instance which have that resource defined.
Endpoint Execution
This operation delegates endpoint execution to the workflow developer. The workflow editor will default to "Any", which will execute on any one of the selected endpoints, which will be randomly picked from selected endpoints or a specific endpoint where previous step may have executed. Changing this value to "All" to will result in execution on all selected endpoints.
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