Viewing Folders
The following macros are not currently supported in the header:
  • style

Viewing Folders

To view the list of folders (and applications, projects, and sub-folders contained within), select Projects from the menu.

FlexDeploy comes pre-configured with a single root folder called FlexDeploy. All sub-folders and applications must be created as a child to the FlexDeploy root folder.

To expand a folder, click on the triangle to the left of a collapsed folder. Alternatively, use the view menu at the top of the tree to Expand All or Expand All Below (based on current folder selection). To collapse a folder, click on the triangle to the left of an expanded folder. Alternatively, use the view menu at the top of the tree to Collapse All or Collapse All Below (based on current folder selection).

The following macros are not currently supported in the footer:
  • style