Target Property Variables

Target Property Variables

Target Properties are exposed as variables available in Workflow Editor (UI), Shell Plugins, and Script based plugins.

Variable Name


Variable Name


<Target Group Code>_<Property Name>

Value of property defined on current environment and a particular Target Group.

A Workflow is executed for specific a Environment. The value comes from the target defined by the currently executing Environment and the given Target Group.

If the Project has overridden the value for a specific Property, that overridden value is returned.

Properties on the current build/deploy target group do not need to be qualified with the Target Group code.

Unix or Windows Shell

The below snippet is an example of to get the FDSVN_URL property for the SAMPLEAPPS instance.

Use ${variable_name} to find value for specific instance.


  • myproperty='FDSVN_URL'

  • mydynamicvar=${myTG}_${myproperty}


  • echo ${mydynamicvar}


Find value for specific instance


Find property from currently executing instance


Lookup a FDSVN_URL for SAMPLEAPPS instance

svnUrl=""; lookupkey="SAMPLEAPPS" + "_FDSVN_URL"; if (binding.variables.containsKey(lookupkey)) { svnUrl=getProperty(lookupkey);}; return svnUrl;

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