Runs a docker command in a new container and then optionally destroys the container when complete. Useful for running functions as containers.
Target Properties
Property Name | Property Code | Required | Description |
Docker Unix Socket |
| No | The socket the Docker daemon listens on. Required if Docker Server and Docker Port are not set. Default value is [/var/run/docker.sock] |
Docker Server Address |
| No | The IP address of the Docker server. |
Docker Port |
| No | The port the Docker service is listening on. |
Project Properties
Property Name | Property Code | Required | Description |
Docker Image Name |
| No | The name of the docker image, including the repository if desired. i.e. foo/bar or bar. The plugin input |
Docker Image Tag |
| No | The tag of the docker image. For example: 1.2.3. The plugin input |
Input Name | Input Code | Required | Description |
Container Name |
| No | The name of the container to be created. |
Image Name |
| No | The Docker image use when running the container. This input will take priority over the FDDKR_IMAGE_NAME project property. |
Image Tag |
| No | The tag to use when creating the container. This input will take priority over the FDDKR_IMAGE_TAG project property. |
Mount Plugin Directories |
| No | Should the plugin execution directories be mounted as a volume? Default value is true. Volumes are mounted under the following directories in the container:
Volumes |
| No | A comma separated list of volumes to attach to the container. Volume entries should be host:container. |
Exposed Ports |
| No | A comma separated list of ports to expose on the container and host. (e.g. 28080:8080,20022:22,[HostPort]:[ContainerPort]). For example, if your container exposes an application on port 8080 and you want to access it externally from port 9000 you would put 9000:8080 |
Container Entrypoint Commands |
| No | Csv list of entrypoint commands to pass to the container. |
Wait For Exit |
| No | If true, FlexDeploy will wait until the container has exited. Default value is false. |
Remove Container |
| No | Remove container after running? Default value is false. This will also remove volumes created for the container. |
Additional Parameters |
| No | Add any additional parameters not listed above, which will be added to the run command. (e.g. --cidfile /test/file.cid -d -e MYVAR1) |
This operation doesn’t consume or produce any artifacts.
Endpoint Selection
This operation delegates the selection to the workflow developer to determine.
Endpoint Execution
This operations delegates the execution to the workflow developer to decide.
Special Considerations
Due to the features included in this operation, it requires the docker executable to be on the path of the docker endpoint.
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