REST V2 Credential Store Provider Response

REST V2 Credential Store Provider Response


credentialStoreDefIdLongThe id of the credential store provider
credentialStoreDefNameStringThe name of the credential store provider
descriptionStringThe description of the credential store provider
implementationClassStringThe implementation class of the credential store provider
isActiveBooleanWeather or not the credential store provider is active
isCustomBooleanWeather or not the credential store provider is custom
credentialStoreApiTextValueStringGroovy API text associated with the credential store provider
credentialStoreInputDefsList<CredentialStoreInputDef>The list of credential store input definitions associated with the credential store provider
credentialStorePropDefsList<CredentialStorePropDef>The list of credential store property definitions associated with the credential store provider

Each credentialStoreInputDef in the list of credentialStoreInputDefs contains these attributes.

credentialStoreInputDefIdLongThis is the unique Id of the credential store input definition
credentialStoreDefIdLongThis is a foreign key to the parent credential store provider
inputNameStringThe name of the credential store input definition
displayNameStringThe display name of the credential store input definition
descriptionStringThe description of the credential store input definition
inputDatatypeStringthe datatype associated with the credential store input definition
isRequiredBooleanWeather or not the credential store input definition is required
isEncryptedBooleanWeather or not the credential store input definition is encrypted
isActiveBooleanWeather or not the credential store input definition is active
minValueLongThe minimum value of the credential store input definition
maxValueLongThe maximum value of the credential store input definition
listDataStringThe list data associated with the credential store input definition
isMultiselectBooleanWeather or not the credential store input definition is multiselect
displayRowsIntegerThe number of display rows associated with the credential store input definition
displayColumnsIntegerThe number of display columns associated with the credential store input definition
defaultValueStringThe default value of the credential store input definition
lengthLongThe length of the credential store input definition
sortNumberIntegerThis is a number associated with the credential store input definition that sets their priority in a list of other credential store input definitions

Each credentialStorePropDef in the list of credentialStorePropDefs contains these attributes.

credentialStorePropDefIdLongThis is the unique Id of the credential store property definition
credentialStoreDefIdLongThis is a foreign key to the parent credential store provider
propertyNameStringThe name of the credential store property definition
displayNameStringThe display name of the credential store property definition
descriptionStringThe description of the credential store property definition
propertyDatatypeStringthe datatype associated with the credential store property definition
isRequiredBooleanWeather or not the credential store property definition is required
isEncryptedBooleanWeather or not the credential store property definition is encrypted
isActiveBooleanWeather or not the credential store property definition is active
minValueLongThe minimum value of the credential store property definition
maxValueLongThe maximum value of the credential store property definition
listDataStringThe list data associated with the credential property input definition
isMultiselectBooleanWeather or not the credential store property definition is multiselect
displayRowsIntegerThe number of display rows associated with the credential store property definition
displayColumnsIntegerThe number of display columns associated with the credential store property definition
defaultValueStringThe default value of the credential store property definition
lengthLongThe length of the credential store property definition
sortNumberIntegerThis is a number associated with the credential store property definition that sets their priority in a list of other credential store property definitions
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