Pre-deploy All Step

Pre-deploy All Step

The Pre-deploy All step runs the pre-deploy workflows for all project versions (or packages) in the snapshot. Each project configured in release with a pre-deploy workflow configured will be executed in this step. Snapshot is created based on projects included in release. This is very important step to make pipeline reusable across releases. The Pre-deploy All step will run the pre-deploy workflows for all the projects in parallel. The priority set for the release projects is not used in Pre-deploy All step. You can use project groups with more than one Pre-deploy All step to control sequencing of pre-deploy executions. For example, pre-deploy DB changes, pre-deploy all applications etc.

Additionally, the pre-deploy workflows are only executed for projects (or packages) if the current project version is not already deployed to the current stage (environment) unless Force Deploy is checked. Checking Force Deploy will cause the pre-deploy workflows to run whether the deployment was completed or not.






The name of the step.


An optional description for the step.

Includ Groups

Identifies which project group(s) from the snapshot to deploy.  The project groups are defined by the pipeline, and tagged on the projects/packages in the release.  If no groups are specified, all projects/packages from the snapshot will be included.

Exclude Groups

Skip deploying any projects/packages from the snapshot which are tagged in the release with the selected project groups(s).  Available project groups are defined by the pipeline.

Force Deploy

Whether or not to force deploy the project.  If true, this is equivalent to checking force deploy when individually deploying a project to an environment through the deploy request form.  Optionally, use a Groovy expression to make this field dynamic based on some contextual value (e.g. a property defined on the pipeline, and specified on the release).

Checking this will cause the Pre-deploy workflow to run even if the same project (package for partial deploy) version is already deployed to this stage (environment).


An optional Groovy script which determines whether the gate or step is applicable during execution. The script has access to variables and methods listed in Pipeline Groovy Variables and Methods. You can find these variables and methods while using the Groovy Editor.

The script must return true if the step is applicable, or false otherwise.  If no script is provided, the default is to return true (applicable).

On Error


If checked, any failure will be ignored, and the pipeline execution will continue to next step.

Notify Pipeline Roles

Selects one or more roles from the pipeline definition to notify in case of error.  Default role members are defined on the pipeline, and optionally overridden for each release. Optionally, use a Groovy expression to make this field dynamic based on some contextual value (e.g. a property defined on the pipeline, and specified on the release).

When using a role script you can dynamically return a key/value pair. For example return [type: 'groupName', value: 'FD Administrators']. Supported types are roleId, roleName, groupId, and groupName. You can return Map with single key/value pair or list of such single key/value maps.

The Pre-deploy All step allows the output from the Pre-deploy workflows to flow into the Deploy workflow inputs for each project. For this to work, workflow developers must use the same name and data type for the Pre-deploy output(with "Return As Output" selected) and Deploy input variables in the respective workflows.

Script Variables

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