Builds a deployment artifact that contains WebCatalog objects.
All WebCatalog objects are supported for both full and package-based deployments. If package-based deployment is used, all objects are populated into a single object type called WebCatalog Objects, and file extensions are added to map to the underlying OTBI object type (e.g. Folder, Data Model, Analysis, Report, etc).
Source Control
Full deployment mode - objects are downloaded from a source OBI server.
Package-based deployment mode - objects can be sourced from either a source OBI server or SCM instance.
When sourcing the objects through a Source Control Management system, some additional setup and consistencies are required. See Source Control for WebCatalog Objects for details.
Endpoint Tip
This operation uses HTTP operations to communicate remotely to the OTBI server, and therefore, can be executed on any endpoint (including LOCALHOST).
Target Properties
Property Name | Property Code | Required | Description |
OTBI Server Host |
| Yes | The server host name for Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence. |
OTBI Server Port |
| Yes | The HTTP port number for Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence. Default is 443. |
OTBI Server User |
| Yes | The user to log into Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence. User must have BI Service Administrator role to unarchive catalog. |
OTBI Server Password |
| Yes | The password for the user to login to Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence. |
OTBI Server SSL Connection |
| Yes | Indicates whether to connect to OTBI server using SSL. Default is true. |
Project Properties
Property Name | Property Code | Required | Description |
OTBI WebCat Object Path |
| Yes | The WebCatalog path to be recursively exported. Separate folders with a forward slash (/) (e.g. /shared/Custom/Financials). Default value is "/shared/Custom". |
Analytics WSDL Path |
| No | The path to the analytics WSDL. We don’t recommend changing this option unless the OTBI instance you are using has a different path to the analytics WSDL. Use at your own risk. Default value - /analytics-ws/saw.dll/wsdl/v12 |
Project File Includes |
| No | Controls files included from Project Files. Enter expressions separated by ##. Leave empty to select all files. Begin or end the expression with * for simple wildcards. Otherwise, regex is used. (e.g. /Custom/*##*.xdo##*Risk Management*##(.*)Workflow Notifications(.*) @since |
Project File Excludes |
| No | Controls files excluded in Project Files. Enter expressions separated by ##. Leave empty to select all files. Begin or end the expression with * for simple wildcards. Otherwise, regex is used. (e.g. /Custom/*##*.xdo##*Risk Management*##(.*)Workflow Notifications(.*) @since |
Input Name | Input Code | Required | Description |
Copy Object Permissions |
| Yes | Copy object with current permissions. If false, parent folder permissions in deploy environment will be used. |
Keep Timestamps |
| No | Export object with timestamp details. |
This operation produces an archive file of the object specified in the OTBI WebCatalog Object Path if the project is configured for full deployments. If the project is configured for package-based deployments, then the artifact will be a zipped directory containing the archive files for each built object. The zip/archive files are suitable for the deploy operation.
Endpoint Selection
This operation delegates endpoint selection to the workflow developer. The workflow editor will default the selection to "All", which selects all available endpoints associated to the Target. Selecting a specific resource will result in selection of endpoints associated to the Target which have that resource defined.
Endpoint Execution
This operation delegates endpoint execution to the workflow developer. The workflow editor will default to "Any", which will execute on any one of the selected endpoints, which will be randomly picked from selected endpoints or a specific endpoint where previous step may have executed. Changing this value to "All" to will result in execution on all selected endpoints.
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