FlexDeploy - Oracle EPM Plugin Guide

FlexDeploy - Oracle EPM Plugin Guide

FlexDeploy Oracle EPM plugin provides the ability to export files using the migration/snapshot capability of EPM and import these files into another Oracle EPM environment.

Supported Versions

  • 23.06.60 +
  • Java 8 must be used on the endpoint

Key Features

  • Supports automated build and deploy of migration snapshots for Oracle EPM.
  • Source your migration files from an Oracle EPM environment.

Instance Properties

FlexDeploy supports creation of Oracle EPM cloud instances and the following properties will be configured for each Instance. These properties are available to all operations.

For non-basic authentication methods you can reference OIC OAuth Support for additional guidance as process will be almost identical except cloud account will be type OracleEPM

Property NameProperty CodeRequiredDescription

Authentication method for connecting to Oracle EPM. Additional properties may be required depending on basic authentication or OAuth.

Oracle EPM URLFDEPMACCT_INSTANCE_URLYesURL of the Oracle EPM environment. Typically, the URL of your Oracle Cloud service e.g. https://<SERVICE_NAME>-<TENANT_NAME>.<SERVICE_TYPE>.<dcX>.oraclecloud.com
Oracle EPM UsernameFDEPMACCT_USERNAMEYesThe username for your Oracle EPM environment.  User will require Service Administrator and optionally:
  • Power User assigned to the Migration Administrator Profitability and Cost Management application role
  • Identity Domain Administrator role is required to import user and predefined roles
Other roles may be needed to perform specific export and import activities.
Oracle EPM PasswordFDEPMACCT_PASSWORDYesThe password for your Oracle environment. Required for basic authentication and OAuthResourceOwner.
Oracle EPM Client IdFDEPMACCT_CLIENT_IDNoEPM Client Id when using. Required for OAuth.
Oracle EPM Client SecretFDEPMACCT_CLIENT_SECRETNoEPM Client Secret Key. Required for OAuth.
Oracle EPM ScopeFDEPMACCT_SCOPENoEPM Client Scope. Required for OAuth.
Oracle EPM Keystore PathFDEPMACCT_KEYSTORE_PATHNoJava keystore path containing the private key to use for JWT User Assertion.
Oracle EPM Keystore PassphraseFDEPMACCT_KEYSTORE_PASSNoJava keystore passphrase for the FSM Keystore Path property.
Oracle EPM Certificate AliasFDEPMACCT_CERT_ALIASNoPrivate certificate alias.
Oracle EPM Certificate PassphraseFDEPMACCT_CERT_PASSNoPassphrase for the EPM Certificate Alias property. Leave blank if no passphrase was used.
Oracle EPM Certificate AlgorithmFDEPMACCT_CERT_ALGORITHMNoAlgorithm used for the certificate. Defaults to RS256.

EPM Snapshots

The EPM plugin leverages snapshots to discover files.  Oracle EPM documentation indicates how to use Migration and create an exportable snapshot.  Please see the following document for more information.


Plugin Operations

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