Application deployment to EKS cluster using Kubernetes Plugin


The goal of the tutorial is to deploy manifest files on EKS Cluster using the Kubernetes plugin. For this tutorial we shall be doing automated deployment of the Nginx application, using the manifest files(yaml) which are present in a Git repository. The steps will include:

  • configuration of the properties e.g. config file path, Cloud account, and CLI path.

  • cloning the manifest files from a Git repository

  • deploying the Nginx Application to EKS Cluster

  • verifying the application is successfully created on the EKS cluster.

We will walk through each of the FlexDeploy features that will be created/configured to accomplish this goal and have the Nginx application deployed on the EKS Cluster in a very short amount of time.




AWS Access Key

AWS Access Key of the user.

AWS Secret Key

Password for the Access Key

AWS Default Region

Default region can be set. eg. ap-south-1

AWS CLI installation

AWS CLI needs to be installed where the plugin operation shall run (FlexDeploy server)

AWS CLI in class path

AWS CLI should be added to class path on the FlexDeploy Server. Else the path can also be set under FlexDeploy environment level property

EKS Setup

EKS cluster should be created in AWS and a kubeconfig file should be present with the context of the cluster.

Configure Cloud account

To connect with EKS cluster, we required to configure Cloud account, with credentials details. Configure AWS Cloud Account under Integration. FlexDeploy will connect to the EKS cluster and deploy the Nginx Application.

  1. Navigate to the Integrations

  2. Select Cloud from the left-hand pane

  3. Create a new Cloud account with the “+” button. Create a new Cloud account of provider type “AWS”

It should have a AWS Access Key and AWS Secret Key. The user must have relevant access to do the deployment on EKS cluster.

  1. AWS Secret Key is a password field and hence needs to be kept hidden. To update the same click on the pencil icon as shown below

  2. Update the AWS Secret Key value under Secret Text. This is to make sure no one else can retrieve the password

After configuration we would be able to use the Cloud Account as a drop down from the list.

Git repository structure

The Git repository should contain the manifest file.

The Sample Git repository structure is given below.


Configure IAM user

To access the EKS cluster we need to create an AWS IAM account with required permissions.

To create the AWS IAM user navigate to the AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) service page, and click on the Add users option. Next assign the required permission to access the cluster. Once user is created, AWS secret key can be generated, this key we have to configure in Cloud account.

For more information about IAM user please ref.

Assign user to relevant group so that it has relevant access to cluster

kubectl edit -n kube-system configmap/aws-auth


Configure kubeconfig file

A Kubeconfig is a YAML file with the details to connect to Kubernetes Cluster using certificate/secret tokens to authenticate the cluster. This is essential for Kubernetes Plugin to connect to target EKS cluster. 

CLI installation

  • AWS CLI should be installed in the m/c where the plugin is to be executed. Preferably add AWS CLI path in m/c classpath.

Build and Deploy Workflows

Navigate to the Workflows tab and create a workflow using the “+”(Click to create new Workflow) button as highlighted below.

Next, create one Build and Deploy workflow as shown below. The workflow Type field defines the type of workflow.
Build Workflow

  1. Navigate to the Workflows

  2. Select the “+” button from the left-hand pane to create a new workflow

Deploy Workflow

  1. navigate to the Workflows

  2. Select the “+” button from the left-hand pane to create a new workflow

The Workflow Group and Subgroup define the folder hierarchy. Once both workflows are created it should look like the below. No constraint on workflow or folder naming convention.

The steps of the workflow execution can be configured through the Workflow Definition section.

Below given is a sample build workflow to copy the file from Git repository.

Step-i: Clone Git Repository
This step will clone the Git repository codebase into the project execution working directory. The Git URL will be retrieved from Source Control configured under Project Configuration.

Step-ii: Copy the manifest file
The below step will copy the manifest file to the artifact. Also check the Produces Artifact option to save the files as artifact so that can be used from Deploy workflow.

Below given is a sample build workflow to deploy application on the EKS cluster.

Step-i: deploy the application

This step will deploy the Nginx application, using the manifest on the EKS cluster. Context must be provided to apply changes. The context should be present inside kubeconfig file.

Project configuration

Navigate to the Project tab and create a Project with a logical name(Kubernetes in this case)

Configure the Build and Deploy workflow that has been created in previous steps as shown below.

Source Control

Configure the Source SCM repository under Source Control as shown below.

  1. To configure Project specific Source Control one first need to navigate to the Project Configuration tab.

  2. Next, expand the SOURCE CONTROL option from the left-hand pane.

  3. Select SOURCES for configuring the Source Repository

  4. Select the appropriate Source Control Type

  5. Configure Source Repository. For detailed steps of Source Control configuration please refer to

Target Properties

Select Topology from the menu and then select Targets from menu. Select the target group and environment, provide the properties detail, according to the description.


Mandatory field


Cloud Account


Select the Cloud Account to connect cluster.

CLI Path


Directory where Cloud CLI is installed.

Kubeconfig File Path


Absolute path of kubeconfig file

Kubernetes home path


Directory of Kubernetes home path

GIT Path


Path to the Git executable. Required only if Git is not on PATH.

Below given are the environment-specific values which need to be updated.

Cloud Account

The AWS Cloud account needs to be set here from the drop-down. It will show all Cloud Accounts configured under Topology, which we have already mentioned earlier.

Kubeconfig file path

Absolute path of config file can be set as environment property, if path is not set then by default plugin look for config file in user directory.

CLI path

AWS CLI path can be set as environment property, if it’s not set then by default plugin use classpath.

Kubernetes Home Path

Kubernetes home path can be set as environment property, plugin check for kubectl on the given directory.

Override properties at Project level

Let assume a scenario, where we want to change Cloud account for any specific project. Apart from setting at environment level, it can also be set at project properties by using Override Property. Please check below mentioned steps.

  1. Navigate to the Project Configuration tab as shown above.

  2. Next, select the PROPERTIES option from the left-hand pane.

  3. Click on the OVERRIDE option.

  4. Select the Cloud Account option from Property.

  5. Select the Environment from the drop down list.

  6. Select the Target Group from the drop down list.

We can do the same for other properties as well.

Build Execution

For detailed steps on how to initiate deploy operation using Kubernetes plugin, please refer to

Post deployment

Post deployment success from plugin it can take a little while for the deployment and running.

Once deployment successfully completed, we can see the related details on EKS cluster by using AWS console.

Congratulations! You have successfully completed the Nginx Application deployment.

Now that you have configured FlexDeploy for deployment operation using Kubernetes plugin, it is extremely easy to replicate the same for other Cloud Provider. Simply use the Copy Project feature and a new project will be created with all of the configuration completed already. You just need to make the necessary configuration changes.



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