Configure Source Control in FlexDeploy

Source Control

Click on the source repository dropdown. If you have already created a connection to your source code repository, select it from the list.

Otherwise, add one by clicking on “Create new Source Repository”.

Inputs Info






A descriptive name for this SCM instance.



A technical code for the instance, without any spaces.  The codes are available as variables to shell and Groovy scripts, and therefore needs to comply with their limitations. 

Source Control Type


Type of Source Control Management System.  We will use Git for this tutorial.

Supported Source Control Management Systems are:

  • Subversion

  • Git

  • Microsoft TFS Version Control

  • PVCS

  • CVS

  • Perforce

  • File System




SCM Properties


The remaining properties are specific to the selected SCM.

For Git:

  • Git URL

  • Git User

  • Git Password

  • Git Timeout (optional)

  • Git File Content (optional)

  • Git File Content Commit URL (optional)

We selected the SCM type as GIT. The properties related to the GIT source control management will be displayed on the screen.

Click on Create New Credential to create a new credential password for the GIT password. Enter the credential Name which is a unique name to identify the password. In the secret text, enter the password and click on Save.

After saving the credential, click on Save again on the SCM instance. Do a Test Connection. The green color ticket mark will show that the connection is successful.

Enter the sparse checkout folder value, if any.

You have executed the Source Control configuration through FlexDeploy. It is extremely easy to replicate the same steps for other flows as well. 

The following macros are not currently supported in the footer:
  • style