This operation is included in the importIntegration operation. You don't need to put updateConnections or activateIntegration in your workflow after the importIntegration operation.
This page is the best source of information about the way that connection information can be updated at deploy time.
There is a blog article about replacements as well - https://flexagon.com/2019/01/flexdeploy-loves-oic-manage-connection-property-replacement/
Either FDOIC_CLOUD_ACCOUNT_CODE Target property value or FDOIC_INP_CLOUD_ACCOUNT_CODE plugin input value should exist. When both exists, plugin input value will take precedence. See Creating/Editing a Cloud Account and Provider for details on how to setup Cloud Account for OIC.
Updates connection properties in an OIC Instance. Connection metadata should be in json format. If properties have attachments, those attachments will be uploaded as well. This operation is intended to work in tandem with exportConnections but it is not required. This operation can be utilized as long as there is a connections.json file in FD_ARTIFACTS_DIR
. If there are attachments that need to be uploaded as well, they should be at the same level as the connections.json and follow the same directory format as seen in the attachments section here.
Starting FlexDeploy, this operation also creates the connection in the target instance if not found.
Target Properties
Property Name | Property Code | Required | Description |
OIC Account |
| No | The OIC account with all the required properties like Base URI, Username and Password for running OIC Instance. |
Cloud Account Properties
Property Name | Property Code | Required | Description |
OIC User |
| Yes | Username for the registered OIC account |
OIC Password |
| Yes | Password for the registered OIC account |
OIC Base URI |
| Yes | The REST Base URI of a running OIC Instance |
OIC Identity Base URI |
| No | The Oracle Identity Cloud Service URL (IDCS). E.G. https://idcs-1a2bc3de.identity.oraclecloud.com. Only required when using OAuth. For more information on configuring OAuth see here. |
OIC Client Id |
| No | The Oracle Identity Client Id. Only required when using OAuth. For more information on configuring OAuth see here. |
OIC Client Secret |
| No | The Oracle Identity Client Secret. Only required when using OAuth. For more information on configuring OAuth see here. |
OIC Client Scope |
| No | The Oracle Identity Client Scope. Only required when using OAuth. For more information on configuring OAuth see here. |
Input Name | Input Code | Required | Description |
OIC Account |
| No | The OIC account with all the required properties like Base URI, Username and Password for running OIC Instance. |
OIC Connection Plan File |
| No | Optional input to specify a different connection plan file name. Default 'connectionPlan.properties'. An absolute path can be specified otherwise it is relative to the artifacts directory. If left blank, then artifactsDir/connectionPlan.properties is assumed. |
Activate Integration Mode |
| No | @since Input to determine whether integrations should be updated after a connection is updated. Defaults to ALL. If value is set to ALL, every integration using this connection is re-activated. If value is set to SPECIFIC, only integrations specified in If value is set to NONE, none of the integrations are re-activated after the connection is updated. Note : Integration with status |
Integration List |
| No | @since CSV list of integration IDs to re-activate. An integration ID is the integration identifier, a pipe, and then the version (e.g. HELLO_WORLD|01.02.0001). |
Attachment Override Directory |
| No | @since A directory which contains attachments to override. Any attachments contained in this directory will be copied over the existing attachments. Useful if you want to have different attachments per environment, you can use FD_ENVIRONMENT_CODE to achieve this. See the attachment overrides section for an example of this. Directory should be in the following format <Connectionid>/<PropertyName>/<attachment>. Example : The folder structure should be <Root>/<Environment Code>/<Connection Id>/<Property Name>/<Attachment File> There are situations where you may use same attachment for all environments, rather copying the attachment file structure to each environment folder, you can place them in the following folder structure <Root>/GLOBAL/<Connection Id>/<Property Name>/<Attachment File>. Attachments for connections placed under GLOBAL will be copied along with the files inside environment folder where the plugin execution runs, all files are then copied to the artifacts connection attachment folder. Files inside GLOBAL will be copied first and then files from environment folder will be copied. @since connectionPlan.properties now supports to use attachment override file for each instance for a connection. Ex, FLEX_ATP_DB is the connection id, uses wallet. In the connectionPlan.properties, you can define a workflow property and configure as below. The execution will search for the name in the override folder. FLEX_ATP_DB.secure.Wallet=${{FLEX_ATP_DB_WALLET_FILE_NAME}} |
Integration Retry Count |
| No | @since The number of times an integration will be retried incase of failures. Default is 5. |
Connection Retry Count |
| No | @since The number of times an connection will be retried incase of failures due to connection being locked. Default is 10. |
This operation consumes artifacts from the artifacts repository.
Endpoint Selection
This operation will select all available endpoints associated to the Target.
Endpoint Execution
This operation will execute on any one of the selected endpoints and will be random in the determination of which one.
Special Considerations
Valid Artifact Directories
The below examples are all valid connection directory structures that will result in a successful execution. Note that if you used exportConnections you do not need to worry about the directory structure.
Example 1
Connection Plans and Property Replacement
Prior to updating connections, the connection plan file is applied if present to to update environment specific properties.
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