Plugin Configuration

After adding a plugin operation to a workflow the plugin configuration window will open. In this window, you can set the plugin execution settings and inputs.

Endpoint Specification

Here you can specify which endpoints the plugin operation will be executed on. You are able to select the amount of endpoints executed on, the resource type of the endpoints selected for execution, and the amount of endpoints executed on at one time.






This input specifies which endpoints will be selected for execution. This does not directly specify which endpoints will be executed on, but rather what endpoints are able to be selected to be executed on. You are able to select the resource types of the endpoints that will be selected to be executed on.


This input specifies how many endpoints will be executed on. If Any is selected FlexDeploy will choose one endpoint from the selected endpoints to execute the plugin on. If All is selected all of the endpoints that are selected will execute the plugin operation. 

Execution Percentage

This input is only available if All is selected on the execution input. This will specify the amount of endpoints that will execute the plugin operation at one time. For example, if you have 4 endpoints running a shell operation and execution percentage is at 50%, 2 endpoints will execute the operation at a time. Once the operation is completed on the endpoints the remaining endpoints will begin execution. 

Artifacts Delivery

The artifacts delivery section allows you to decide whether the plugin operation will consume or produce artifacts during execution. Some plugins do not allow you to select one or both of these properties. 





Consumes Artifacts

When selected the operation will be able to consume artifacts from the artifact repository during execution.

Produces Artifacts

When selected the operation will be able to produce artifacts to the artifact repository during execution.


The inputs section will contain any operation-specific properties that are used during execution of the operation. You are able to view a plugin's inputs on the plugin operation guide for the specific operation. 

The following macros are not currently supported in the footer:
  • style