Configuration File Property Sets
MyCompanyProtocol and PartnerProtocol Properties
Property Name | Data Type |
ftp-param-host | String |
ftp-param-polling_interval | Integer |
ftp-param-folder | String |
ftp-param-user | String |
ftp-param-password | String |
ftp-param-type | String(binary, or asci) |
ftp-param-minimum_age | Integer |
ftp-param-preserve_filename | Boolean |
ftp-param-filename_format | String |
sftp-param-host | String |
sftp-param-port | Integer |
sftp-param-polling_interval | Integer |
sftp-param-folder | String |
sftp-param-user | String |
sftp-param-password | String |
sftp-param-private_key | String |
sftp-param-pass_phrase | String |
sftp-param-MinimumAge | Integer |
sftp-param-archive_dir | String |
sftp-param-preserve_filename | Boolean |
sftp-param-filename_format | String |
sftp-param-is_binary | Boolean |
file-param-polling_interval | Integer |
file-param-folder | String |
file-param-minimum_age | Integer |
file-param-archive_dir | String |
file-param-preserve_filename | Boolean |
file-param-is_binary | Boolean |
file-param-filename_format | String |
jms-param-queue_name | String |
jms-param-jndi_connection_factory_location | String |
jms-param-is_topic | Boolean |
jms-param-polling_threads | Integer |
jms-param-polling_interval | Integer |
jms-param-user | String |
jms-param-password | String |
aq-param-queue_name | String |
aq-param-datasource | String |
aq-param-polling_interval | Integer |
aq-param-recipient | String |
aq-param-consumer | String |
aq-param-host | String |
aq-param-port | Integer |
aq-param-sid | String |
aq-param-schema | String |
aq-param-password | String |
RespondingPartnerAgrmtIDs and InitiatingPartnerAgrmtIDs Properties
Property Name | Data Type |
AS1 Identifier | String |
AS2 Identifier | String |
DUNS | String |
EDI Group ID | String |
EDI Group ID Qualifier | String |
EDI Interchange ID | String |
EDI Interchange ID | String |
EDI Interchange ID Qualifier | String |
EDI Interchange Internal ID | String |
EDI Interchange Internal Sub ID | String |
Generic Identifier | String |
HL7 Batch Application ID | String |
HL7 Batch Application Universal ID | String |
HL7 Batch Application Universal ID Type | String |
HL7 Batch Facility ID | String |
HL7 Batch Facility Universal ID | String |
HL7 Batch Facility Universal ID Type | String |
HL7 File Application ID | String |
HL7 File Application Universal ID | String |
HL7 File Application Universal ID Type | String |
HL7 File Facility ID | String |
HL7 File Facility Universal ID | String |
HL7 File Facility Universal ID Type | String |
HL7 Message Application ID | String |
HL7 Message Application Universal ID | String |
HL7 Message Application Universal ID Type | String |
HL7 Message Facility ID | String |
HL7 Message Facility Universal ID | String |
HL7 Message Facility Universal ID Type | String |
MLLP ID | String |
Name | String |
Regular Expression | String |
TRADACOMS Code | String |
TRADACOMS Name | String |
ebMS Identifier | String |
PartnerIDs and MyCompanyIDs Properties
Property Name | Data Type |
itype-AS1 | String |
itype-AS2 | String |
itype-DUNS | String |
itype-GroupID | String |
itype-GroupIDQualifier | String |
itype-InterchangeID | String |
itype-InterchangeIDQualifier | String |
itype-InterchangeInternalID | String |
itype-InterchangeInternalSubID | String |
itype-Generic | String |
itype-Batch-ApplicationID | String |
itype-Batch-ApplicationUniversalID | String |
itype-Batch-ApplicationUniversalIDType | String |
itype-Batch-FacilityID | String |
itype-Batch-FacilityUniversalID | String |
itype-Batch-FacilityUniversalIDType | String |
itype-File-ApplicationID | String |
itype-File-ApplicationUniversalID | String |
itype-File-ApplicationUniversalIDType | String |
itype-File-FacilityID | String |
itype-File-FacilityUniversalID | String |
itype-File-FacilityUniversalIDType | String |
itype-Message-ApplicationID | String |
itype-Message-ApplicationUniversalID | String |
itype-Message-ApplicationUniversalIDType | String |
itype-Message-FacilityID | String |
itype-Message-FacilityUniversalID | String |
itype-Message-FacilityUniversalIDType | String |
itype-MLLP | String |
itype-RegEx | String |
itype-TradacomsCode | String |
itype-TradacomsName | String |
itype-ebMS | String |
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