FlexDeploy - Apigee Plugin Guide

FlexDeploy - Apigee Plugin Guide

The FlexDeploy Apigee plugin allows the user to deploy Apigee API proxies and shared flows to Apigee, plugin internally uses maven apigee deploy plugin. The FlexDeploy Apigee plugin also automatically generates the pom.xml and parent-pom.xml files, so users do not have to maintain those files.

Supported Versions

  • Tested on Apigee version 19.01.14

Key Features

  • Easily configured for deployment of API Proxy and Shared Flow.

  • Supports basic authentication.

  • No need to maintain maven pom files for deployment.

FlexDeploy Project Recommendations

Apigee Component

FlexDeploy Project Name


Apigee Component

FlexDeploy Project Name


API Proxy 

API Proxy Name

Manage single API proxy per FlexDeploy project. FlexDeploy project name should match proxy name for consistency.

Use SCM for source code for API Proxy. The artifacts within the FlexDeploy project can be zipped or an expanded folder.

Shared Flow

Shared Flow Name

Manage single Shared flow per FlexDeploy project. FlexDeploy project name should match Shared flow name for consistency.

Use SCM for source code for Shared flow. The artifacts within the FlexDeploy project can be zipped or an expanded folder.

The FlexDeploy Application name will be used as the group Id for the maven pom.xml and must only contain alphanumeric, underscore, dash, and dot characters. It is also recommended that the application name be set to the client's company name.  

Plugin Operations

Example Workflows

Simply create workflow with name and type shown below, click Save, go to Definition, click Source button, then download source code replace entire contents on Source popup.

Workflow Name

Workflow Type

Source Code


Workflow Name

Workflow Type

Source Code


Extract and Save Artifacts


Extract and Save Artifacts.xml

Extract files from supported SCM and save as artifacts for use during deploy.




Deploy build artifact files to Apigee.


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