Configure Change Management Instance

Configure Change Management Instance

Change Management System instance has configuration details necessary to connect to specific Change Management System. This is used to query Change Tickets, and optionally create Change Ticket or Incidents. This is used during project deployment executions. Each instance is defined with unique name and code, and in addition has underlying system specific properties for connection.

To create a Change Management instance, select the Change Management tab, and click the + button. To edit an existing instance, click on an Instance row from the list.

Enter values for the fields as described in the table below.

Field Name



Field Name



Instance Code


Short name for the instance.  As the code is available as Groovy and Shell variables it must not contain spaces or other special characters, aside from underscores.

Instance Name


Display name for the instance.

Change Management


The change management system.



A meaningful description of the instance.



Whether or not the instance is active in the system. Defaults to "Yes" when creating a new instance.

If the selected Change Management System has any properties defined, enter the values for those properties.

Click the Test  button to test the connection and verify that the url, port, username, and password are correct. Click the Save button to save the changes. Optionally click the Apply button to save the changes, but remain on the current screen until the Cancel button is clicked.

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