Global Search

Global Search

Global Search gives you the ability to quickly find what you are looking for in FlexDeploy.

Global search provides a consistent reliable search feature in FlexDeploy. While it is quite intuitive there are a number of features that are described in detail below.

Recently Accessed Items

By default when the global search is focused, and nothing is typed it will show your recently accessed items in FlexDeploy with the most recent being on top. This is a great feature for navigating back and forth between multiple Projects or Packages.

Searching FlexDeploy

Once text is typed into the search field the results will transition into showing items matching your search query as well as specific application pages.

Global Search Anatomy

The global search window consists of 3 main components:

  1. Search Prefix - The search prefix specifies which fields you want to search through. For example setting it to name will then search only for objects matching by their names.