Azure Boards Issues Integration
Creating an OAuth Token for FlexDeploy ITS
Go to Azure Boards and log in as the user you want to comment on Azure Boards Issues with.
Generate a Personal Access Token in Azure Boards following this guide.
Choose an expiration date based on your security policies. Shorter expiration dates will require updating the ITS more frequently.
Choose the following OAuth scopes to comment on and change status of issues:
Azure Boards ITS Instances
An Azure Boards instance looks like this:
Setting Up Folders and Projects to Use the Azure Boards ITS Instance
Then back in FlexDeploy, set up the Issue Tracking settings on your folders and projects.
Linking Azure Boards Issues to FlexDeploy Builds
Now you are ready to link tickets by commit message or by manually entering them on project builds or project packages.
Linking with Commit Messages
Set up your FlexDeploy Project with a ticket pattern. The pattern must be Azure Boards Project name + “-” + issue number.
Following this pattern, make a commit message.
Push and merge your change.
When you create a build, the issue numbers are pulled from your commits.
Linking by Manual Entry at Project Build Time
Issue numbers can also be entered on the build request form to link the issue at build time.
The issue number should be Azure Boards Project Name-Issue Number
Linking Issues to Project Packages
If you are working with a package-based project, you can associate issues with packages that will live through its build and deployment lifecycle.
Add one or more Issues by clicking the edit package button on the right panel. The dropdown only shows previously linked issues. Type the entire issue key to make a new one. The issue number should be in the format Azure Boards Project Name-Issue Number. After saving, all builds and deployments of this package will automatically be associated to that Azure Boards Issue.
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