Creating/Editing a Cloud Account and Provider
Creating/Editing a Cloud Account and Provider
Select the Cloud tab for managing the Cloud account providers and accounts.
Managing Accounts and Providers
Refer to Creating/Editing an Account and Provider page for more details for managing accounts and providers
Out-of-the-box Providers
AWS, DellBoomi, Apigee, Azure, OCC, OCI, OIC, OracleAPI and Salesforce are the FlexDeploy out-of-the-box providers with the default properties.
Default Provider Properties
Out-of-box account provider property key definition cannot be modified and will always be read-only.
Provider | Property | Type | Description |
Apigee API Platform | Apigee Org Name | String | The org name of the apigee account. |
Apigee Host URL | String | Apigee Host URL. | |
Apigee Authentication Type | String | Apigee Authentication Type | |
Apigee Username | String | The username of the apigee account. | |
Apigee Password | String | The password of the apigee account. | |
Apigee Token URL | String | Apigee Token URL. | |
Apigee MFA Token | String | Apigee Multi Factor Authentication token | |
Apigee Bearer | String | Apigee Bearer | |
Apigee Refresh | String | Apigee Refresh | |
Apigee Client Id | String | Apigee Client Id | |
Apigee Client Secret Key | String | Apigee Client Secret Key | |
Amazon Web Services | AWS Access Key | String | The access key found on the "Security Credentials" page of the AWS management console. |
AWS Secret Key | String | The secret key found on the "Security Credentials" page of the AWS management console. | |
Microsoft Azure | Username | String | User name for the registered Azure account |
Password | String | Password for the registered Azure account | |
Subscription Id | String | The subscription ID is a GUID that uniquely identifies your subscription to use Azure services. | |
Tenant Id | String | The tenant ID of resource. | |
Azure Application Client ID | String | The Client ID assigned to Application | |
Azure Application Client Key | String | The key assigned to Application | |
Azure Active Directory Domain | String | The domain name of the AAD to access. | |
Keystore Path | String | The path to the JKS containing the management certificate. | |
Keystore Password | String | The password for Keystore Path | |
Azure Environment | String | The name of the environment. | |
Oracle Cloud Infrastructure | OCI Tenancy Id | String | Select the OCI Tenancy Id to use. |
OCI User OCID | String | The OCID of the user to connect to OCI as. | |
OCI Private Key | String | The private key to use for authentication. | |
OCI Key Fingerprint | String | The fingerprint of the key pair to use for authentication. | |
OCI Private Key Passphrase | String | The passphrase of the private key to use for authentication. | |
OCI Region | String | The region your OCI instance exists in. This is an optional property primarily used for Terraform. | |
Oracle Integration Cloud | OIC User | String | User name for the registered OIC account |
OIC Password | String | Password for the registered OIC account | |
OIC Base URI | String | The REST Base URI of a running OIC Instance | |
OIC AuthType | String | List Selection of the Authentication method to use for the account. Defaults to BasicAuth. For more information on configuring OAuth methods see here. | |
OIC Identity Base URI | String | The Oracle Identity Cloud Service URL (IDCS). E.G. https://idcs-1a2bc3de.identity.oraclecloud.com. Required for all OAuth methods. | |
OIC Client Id | String | OIC Client Id when using OAuth. Required for all OAuth methods. | |
OIC Client Secret | String | OIC Client Secret when using OAuth. Required for all OAuth methods. | |
OIC Client Scope | String | OIC Client Scope when using OAuth. Required for all OAuth methods. | |
OIC Keystore Path | String | Java keystore path containing the private key to use for JWT User Assertion. | |
OIC Keystore Passphrase | String | Java keystore passphrase to use for JWT User Assertion. | |
OIC Certificate Alias | String | Private certificate alias. | |
OIC Certificate Passphrase | String | Private certificate passphrase. Leave blank if none exists. | |
OIC Certificate Algorithm | String | Algorithm used for the certificate. Defaults to RS256. | |
Salesforce | User Name | String | Authentication User Email Id for Salesforce. You can either User Id and Password combination to login or User Id with Server Key file and Client Id. |
JWT Key File | String | Path to a file containing the private key | |
Password | String | Salesforce password and security token for Salesforce User. Use password and API Security token without any spaces or any other separator / delimiter. | |
Client ID | String | OAuth client ID (also called the consumer key) | |
Salesforce Org Type | String | Enter Org type for Development Environment. Eg: Sandbox or DevHub or Developer | |
Salesforce URL | String | The login URL of the instance the org lives on | |
Sandbox Name | String | Name of the Sandbox to access. Required when org type is Sandbox. The Sandbox name will be appended to the user name when pulling files from a Sandbox. | |
Dell Boomi | Boomi AtomSphere URL | String | Base URL of the AtomSphere API |
Dell Boomi Account ID | String | ID of the Dell Boomi Account | |
Dell Boomi Account User | String | User name for the registered Dell Boomi account | |
Dell Boomi Account Password | String | Password for the registered Dell Boomi account | |
Enable Packaged Component Deployment | Boolean | Enable this feature to use Packaged Component Mode of deployments | |
Oracle Commerce Cloud | Oracle CX App URL | String | URL of the Oracle CX Commerce environment. e.g. https://ccadmin-z1bd.oracleoutsourcing.com |
Oracle CX App Key | String | Application key for registered application | |
Oracle API Platform | Oracle API Platform Url | String | Base Url for the API Platform |
Oracle API Platform User | String | User name for the registered API Platform account | |
Oracle API Platform Password | String | Password for the registered API Platform account | |
Oracle API Platform Audience | String | Primary Audience for the API Platform | |
Oracle API Platform Scope | String | Scope for making API calls | |
Oracle API Platform Client Id | String | Client Id for the API Platform Application | |
Oracle API Platform Client Secret | String | Client Secret for the API Platform Application | |
Oracle Identity Url | String | Base Url for Oracle Identity | |
Oracle Visual Builder | OVB User | String | User name for the registered OVB account |
OVB Password | String | Password for the registered OVB account | |
OVB Base URI | String | The REST Base URI of a running OVB Instance | |
OVB AuthType | String | List Selection of the Authentication method to use for the account. Defaults to ResourceOwner. For more information on configuring OAuth methods see here. | |
OVB Identity Base URI | String | The Oracle Identity Cloud Service URL (IDCS). E.G. https://idcs-1a2bc3de.identity.oraclecloud.com. Required for all OAuth methods. | |
OVB Client Id | String | OVB Client Id when using OAuth. Required for all OAuth methods. | |
OVB Client Secret | String | OVB Client Secret when using OAuth. Required for all OAuth methods. | |
OVB Client Scope | String | OVB Client Scope when using OAuth. Required for all OAuth methods. | |
OVB Keystore Path | String | Java keystore path containing the private key to use for JWT User Assertion. | |
OVB Keystore Passphrase | String | Java keystore passphrase to use for JWT User Assertion. | |
OVB Certificate Alias | String | Private certificate alias. | |
OVB Certificate Passphrase | String | Private certificate passphrase. Leave blank if none exists. | |
OVB Certificate Algorithm | String | Algorithm used for the certificate. Defaults to RS256. |
, multiple selections available,
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