REST V2 Environment Response

REST V2 Environment Response


descriptionStringThis is a description of the environment
targetsList<Target>This is a list of the targetGroups associated with the environment
isActiveBooleanThis is a boolean that tracks whether or not the environment is active
environmentCodeStringThis is the unique code of the environment
sortNumberIntegerThis is a number associated with the environment that sets the environments priority in a list of other environments
environmentIdLongThis is the unique Id of the environment
isBuildEnvironmentBooleanThis is a boolean that tracks whether or not the environment is a build environment
environmentNameStringThis is the unique name of the environment

Each target in the list of targets contains these attributes.

targetIdLongThis is the unique Id of the environment
targetGroupIdLongThis is a foreign key to the parent targetGroup
environmentIdLongThis is a foreign key to the parent environment
isActiveBooleanThis is a boolean that tracks weather or not the target is active

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