Project API Create
This POST service will create a new project with the same attributes as the given JSON object.
POST will receive a project input JSON object and return a project JSON object. Project input JSON objects for the request can have the following attributes:
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
projectName | Yes | String | Unique name of the project. |
applicationId | No* | Long | Id of the application the project is in. *Either applicationId or projectPath is required |
projectPath | No* | String | Fully qualified project path. *Either applicationId or projectPath is required |
isActive | No | Boolean | Boolean that tracks whether or not the project is active. Null input defaults to true. |
packageBuildType | No | String | String that defines usage of packages and build or deployments of packages. Possible values are ALL, PACKAGE, or BOTH. Defaults to Project Default or BOTH if Project Default is empty. |
description | No | String | Description of the project. |
projectClassification | Yes | String | The classification of the project, such as "Standard" or "PartialDeployments" |
priority | No | Integer | Deploy priority of the project. Default value is 1. |
webhooksEnabled | No | Boolean | Whether or not webhooks are enabled. Null input defaults to false. |
projectBuildSequence | No | Integer | @since Set the initial value for the ProjectBuildSequence variable which can be used in stream syntax scripts. Defaults to 1 if not passed. |
projectType | No* | ProjectTypeEnum | Type of project. Possible values are GENERAL, EBS, PARTIAL_FILE, PARTIAL_JDBC, OracleForms, ORACLE_DB, ORACLE_BI, ORACLE_APEX, MFT, SALESFORCE, MDS, or GENERIC. *Required for partial deployment projects |
scmType | No | SCMTypeEnum | This specifies the source control management system used by this project. Must be a valid source control management system. Possible values are SVN, GIT, CVS, TFVC, PERF, PVCS, FILE, or NONE. Note: If scmType is specified, at least one SCM source must be provided. |
priorityScope | No | String | This specifies the priority scope of the current project. Either Global, Folder, or Application. Defaults to Application. |
buildInfo | No | ProjectBuildInfo | Build info for the project. See more info about the ProjectBuildInfo object below. |
preDeployInfo | No | ProjectPreDeployInfo | @since PreDeploy info for the project. See more info about the ProjectPreDeployInfo object below. |
deployInfo | No | ProjectDeployInfo | Deploy info for the project. See more info about the ProjectDeployInfo object below. |
utilityExecutionInfo | No | UtilityProjectExecutionInfo | Execution info for a utility project. See more info about the UtilityProjectExecutionInfo object below. |
mainStreamName | No | String | Name of the main stream for the project. Defaults to master. |
scmConfiguration | No | ProjectSCMPojo | SCM configuration for the project. See more info about the ProjectSCMPojo object below. |
containerConfiguration | No | ContainerConfiguration | Container configuration for the project. See more info about the ContainerConfiguration type below. |
Attribute | Required | Type | Description |
workflowId | Yes | Long | Id of the build workflow used by this project. |
instanceId | Yes | Long | Id of the instance where this project is built. |
Attribute | Required | Type | Description |
workflowId | Yes | Long | Id of the predeployment workflow used by this project. Note - If predeploy workflow is used, then ProjectDeployInfo.instanceIds is needed |
Attribute | Required | Type | Description |
workflowId | Yes | Long | Id of the deployment workflow used by this project. |
instanceIds | Yes | List<Long> | Id of each of the instances where the project can be deployed. |
Attribute | Required | Type | Description |
workflowId | Yes | Long | Id of the utility workflow used by this project. |
instanceIds | Yes | List<Long> | Id of each of the utility instance where this project can be run. |
Attribute | Required | Type | Description |
sources | Yes | List<ProjectSCMConfig> | List of SCM configuration sources. See more info about the ProjectSCMConfig object below. |
Attribute | Required | Type | Description |
instanceId | Yes | Long | SCM instance id for this source. |
configValues | No | List<ProjectSCMConfigValue> | Configuration values for each SCM source. See more info about the ProjectSCMConfigValue object below. |
sourceNumber | No | Integer | Number for the source. Source numbers start at 1 and increment for each source after that. |
Attribute | Required | Type | Description |
configName | Yes | String | Name of the configuration attribute. |
configValue | No | String | Value of the configuration attribute. |
Attribute | Required | Type | Description |
dockerFile | Yes | String | Name of the dockerfile |
dockerStreams | Yes | List<DockerStream> | Information about the docker streams. See more info about the DockerStream type below. |
kubernetesConfiguration | No | KubernetesConfiguration | Configuration for Kubernetes. See more info about the KubernetesConfiguration type below. |
Attribute | Type | Description |
streamId | Long | Id of the stream. |
streamName | String | Name of the stream. |
imageName | String | Name of the image. |
isImageBuild | Boolean | If the image will build. |
isImagePush | Boolean | If the image will push. Null if isImageBuild is false. |
isTagLatest | Boolean | If the image will be tagged as latest |
registryAccount | String | The Docker Registry Account Code to push to. |
imageScan | Boolean | If the image will be scanned with Anchore. |
container | DockerStreamContainer | Container configuration during deployment |
Attribute | Type | Description |
runContainer | Boolean | Run a container with this image during deployment |
containerName | String | Groovy Script of the container name to run |
volumes | String | Groovy Script of the volumes to bind to the container |
ports | Boolean | Groovy Script of the ports to bind to the container |
additionalParams | Boolean | Groovy Script for any additional arguments to pass the run container command |
Attribute | Required | Type | Description |
deploymentName | No | String | Name of the deployment. |
manifestsToDeploy | No | List<String> | Manifests to deploy. |
blueGreenManifests | No | List<String> | Blue green manifests. |
canaryManifests | No | List<String> | Canary manifests. |
abmanifests | No | List<String> | AB manifests. |
helmConfiguration | Yes | HelmConfiguration | The helm configuration. See more info about the HelmConfiguration type below. |
Attribute | Required | Type | Description |
chart | Yes | String | Name of the chart. |
releaseName | Yes | String | Name of the release. |
parametersMap | No | List<ParameterMap> | All of the parameter mappings. See more info about the ParmaterMap type below. |
Attribute | Required | Type | Description |
key | Yes | String | Key for the parameter map. |
value | Yes | String | Value for the parameter map. |
SCM Configuration Names by Type
All values not provided are defaulted. All defaults are configured from the Administration > Defaults page.
Attribute | Type | Description |
projectId | Long | Id of the project. |
projectName | String | Unique name of the project. |
applicationId | String | Id of the application the project is in. |
projectPath | String | Fully qualified project path. |
isActive | Boolean | Boolean that tracks whether or not the project is active. Null input defaults to true. |
packageBuildType | String | String that defines usage of packages and build or deployments of packages. Possible values are ALL, PACKAGE, or BOTH. Defaults to Project Default or BOTH if Project Default is empty. |
description | String | Description of the project. |
projectClassification | String | The classification of the project, such as "Standard" or "PartialDeployments" |
priority | Integer | Deploy priority of the project. |
webhooksEnabled | Boolean | Whether or not webhooks are enabled. |
projectBuildSequence | Integer | @since The current value for the next ProjectBuildSequence number. |
projectType | ProjectTypeEnum | Type of project. Possible values are GENERAL, EBS, PARTIAL_FILE, PARTIAL_JDBC, OracleForms, ORACLE_DB, ORACLE_BI, ORACLE_APEX, MFT, SALESFORCE, UTILITY, MDS, or GENERIC. |
scmType | SCMTypeEnum | This specifies the source control management system used by this project. Must be a valid source control management system. Possible values are SVN, GIT, CVS, TFVC, PERF, PVCS, FILE, or NONE. |
priorityScope | String | This specifies the priority scope of the current project. Either Global, Folder, or Application. |
buildInfo | ProjectBuildInfo | Build info for the project. See more info about the ProjectBuildInfo object below. |
preDeployInfo | ProjectPreDeployInfo | @since PreDeploy info for the project. See more info about the ProjectPreDeployInfo object below. |
deployInfo | ProjectDeployInfo | Deploy info for the project. See more info about the ProjectDeployInfo object below. |
utilityExecutionInfo | UtilityProjectExecutionInfo | Execution info for a utility project. See more info about the UtilityProjectExecutionInfo object below. |
streams | List<Long> | List of ids which identify the project streams associated with this project. |
mainStreamName | String | Name of the main stream for the project. |
scmConfiguration | ProjectSCMPojo | SCM configuration for the project. See more info about the ProjectSCMPojo object below. |
containerConfiguration | ContainerConfiguration | Container configuration for the project. See more info about the ContainerConfiguration type below. |
links | List<Link> | List of any relevant links for the object. |
Attribute | Type | Description |
workflowId | Long | Id of the build workflow used by this project. |
instanceId | Long | Id of the instance where this project is built. |
Attribute | Type | Description |
workflowId | Long | Id of the predeployment workflow used by this project. Note - If predeploy workflow is used, then ProjectDeployInfo.instanceIds is needed |
Attribute | Type | Description |
workflowId | Long | Id of the deployment workflow used by this project. |
instanceIds | List<Long> | Id of each of the instances where the project can be deployed. |
Attribute | Type | Description |
workflowId | Long | Id of the utility workflow used by this project. |
instanceIds | List<Long> | Id of each of the utility instance where this project can be run. |
Attribute | Type | Description |
sources | List<ProjectSCMConfig> | List of SCM configuration sources. See more info about the ProjectSCMConfig object below. |
Attribute | Type | Description |
instanceId | Long | SCM instance id for this source. |
configValues | List<ProjectSCMConfigValue> | Configuration values for each SCM source. See more info about the ProjectSCMConfigValue object below. |
sourceNumber | Integer | Number for the source. Source numbers start at 1 and increment for each source after that. |
Attribute | Type | Description |
configName | String | Name of the configuration attribute. |
configValue | String | Value of the configuration attribute. |
Attribute | Type | Description |
dockerFile | String | Name of the dockerfile |
dockerStreams | List<DockerStream> | Information about the docker streams. See more info about the DockerStream type below. |
kubernetesConfiguration | KubernetesConfiguration | Configuration for Kubernetes. See more info about the KubernetesConfiguration type below. |
Attribute | Type | Description |
streamId | Long | Id of the stream. |
streamName | String | Name of the stream. |
imageName | String | Name of the image. |
isImageBuild | Boolean | If the image will build. |
isImagePush | Boolean | If the image will push. Null if isImageBuild is false. |
isTagLatest | Boolean | If the image will be tagged as latest |
registryAccount | String | The Docker Registry Account Code to push to. |
imageScan | Boolean | If the image will be scanned with Anchore. |
container | DockerStreamContainer | Container configuration during deployment |
Attribute | Type | Description |
runContainer | Boolean | Run a container with this image during deployment |
containerName | String | Groovy Script of the container name to run |
volumes | String | Groovy Script of the volumes to bind to the container |
ports | Boolean | Groovy Script of the ports to bind to the container |
additionalParams | Boolean | Groovy Script for any additional arguments to pass the run container command |
Attribute | Type | Description |
deploymentName | String | Name of the deployment. |
manifestsToDeploy | List<String> | Manifests to deploy. |
blueGreenManifests | List<String> | Blue green manifests. |
canaryManifests | List<String> | Canary manifests. |
abmanifests | List<String> | AB manifests. |
helmConfiguration | HelmConfiguration | The helm configuration. See more info about the HelmConfiguration type below. |
Attribute | Type | Description |
chart | String | Name of the chart. |
releaseName | String | Name of the release. |
parametersMap | List<ParameterMap> | All of the parameter mappings. See more info about the ParmaterMap type below. |
Attribute | Type | Description |
key | String | Key for the parameter map. |
value | String | Value for the parameter map. |
Attribute | Type | Description |
type | String | Type of the link "REST", "UI" |
link | String | Physical link of the object. |
Response Codes
HTTP Code | Description |
200 | Projects were found and returned |
400 | Bad request |
401 | Authentication failure |
403 | Authorization failure (no access to resource) |
500 | Unexpected internal server error |
If a POST request is sent to http://host:port/flexdeploy/rest/v1/project receiving the following JSON project object,
{ "projectName": "Example Project", "projectPath": "FlexDeploy/Testing/Example Project", "description": "Project created with API", "projectClassification": "Standard", "priority": 2, "projectType": "EBS", "scmType": "GIT", "mainStreamName": "master", "webhooksEnabled": true, "buildInfo": { "instanceId": 15925, "workflowId": 43164 }, "deployInfo": { "instanceIds": [80524, 93048], "workflowId": 34540 }, "preDeployInfo": { "workflowId": 42978 }, "scmConfiguration": { "sources": [ { "instanceId": 16465, "configValues": [ { "configName": "SparseCheckoutFoldersScript", "configValue": "\"mainfolder/main\"" } ], "sourceNumber": 1 }, { "instanceId": 46947, "configValues": [ { "configName": "SparseCheckoutFoldersScript", "configValue": "\"EBS\"" } ], "sourceNumber": 2 } ] }, "containerConfiguration": { "dockerfile": "docker file name" "dockerStreams": [ { "isImageBuild": true, "isImagePush": false, "streamName": "master", "streamId": 12345, "imageName": "image name" } ], "kubernetesConfiguration": { "manifestsToDeploy": [ "deploymanifest1" ], "blueGreenManifests": [ "bluegreenmanifest1", "bluegreenmanifest2" ], "canaryManifests": [ "canarymanifest1" ], "abmanifests": [ "abmanifest1", "abmanifest2", "abmanifest3" ], "helmConfiguration": { "parametersMap": [ { "key": "key1", "valueScript": "value1" }, { "key": "key2", "valueScript": "value2" } ], "releaseName": "release name", "chart": "chart name" }, "deploymentName": "deployment name" } } }
the following project object will then be created in FlexDeploy:
{ "projectName": "Example Project", "projectId": 10002, "projectPath": "FlexDeploy/Testing/Example Project", "description": "Project created with API", "isActive": true, "projectClassification": "Standard", "priority": 2, "projectType": "EBS", "priorityScope": "Application", "applicationId": 14852, "scmType": "GIT", "mainStreamName": "master", "webhooksEnabled": true, "streams": [73419], "buildInfo": { "instanceId": 15925, "workflowId": 43164 }, "deployInfo": { "instanceIds": [80524, 93048], "workflowId": 34540 }, "preDeployInfo": { "workflowId": 42978 }, "utilityExecutionInfo": null, "scmConfiguration": { "sources": [ { "instanceId": 16465, "configValues": [ { "configName": "SparseCheckoutFoldersScript", "configValue": "\"mainfolder/main\"" } ], "sourceNumber": 1 }, { "instanceId": 46947, "configValues": [ { "configName": "SparseCheckoutFoldersScript", "configValue": "\"EBS\"" } ], "sourceNumber": 2 } ] }, "containerConfiguration": { "dockerfile": "docker file name" "dockerStreams": [ { "isImageBuild": true, "isImagePush": false, "streamName": "master", "streamId": 12345, "imageName": "image name" } ], "kubernetesConfiguration": { "manifestsToDeploy": [ "deploymanifest1" ], "blueGreenManifests": [ "bluegreenmanifest1", "bluegreenmanifest2" ], "canaryManifests": [ "canarymanifest1" ], "abmanifests": [ "abmanifest1", "abmanifest2", "abmanifest3" ], "helmConfiguration": { "parametersMap": [ { "key": "key1", "valueScript": "value1" }, { "key": "key2", "valueScript": "value2" } ], "releaseName": "release name", "chart": "chart name" }, "deploymentName": "deployment name" } } }
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