Execution Settings

Execution Settings

PropertyDescriptionDefault Value
Workflow Execution ThreadsProvides the customer with the ability manage the thread pool size for workflow executions.20
Plugin Execution ThreadsProvides the customer with the ability to manage the thread pool size for plugin executions.20
Continuous Integration ThreadsProvides the customer with the ability to manage the thread pool size for continuous integration executions.5
Release Automation ThreadsProvides the customer with the ability to manage the thread pool size for release automation executions.20
SSH Keep Alive IntervalSends keep alive message on SSH sessions to prevent firewalls from terminating idle connections. Set to 0 to disable Keep Alive for SSH connections.
240 (seconds)
SSH Timeout

Timeout setting in seconds for SSH connections to Endpoints during workflow execution. This value defaults to 0 which means no timeout.

If you decide to set this value, it should be smaller than Keep Alive Interval (i.e. both keep alive and timeout should be adjusted appropriately)

SSH Connect Timeout

Timeout setting in seconds to establish SSH connection. This value defaults to 10 seconds.

FlexDeploy will do 3 retries for connect if not successful, with 1 second delay between each attempt.


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